Saturday, February 26, 2005

The importance of vitamin C for asthma/allergies/infections

Vitamin C, Asthma and Dose-dependency

Vitamin C studies, on it's effectiveness against asthmatic conditions, date back to the mid-1930s. A study undertaken by GA Goldsmith and colleagues, measured the blood ascorbic levels of twenty-nine asthmatics and found twenty-two to be below .6 mg %(0.7 % is considered the minimal normal level) and in two of their patients, with hay fever only, ascorbic acid was practically absent from their blood (0.07 and 0.08 mg %).

On a regime of 300 milligrams of ascorbic acid daily for 1 week, 200 milligrams daily for the second week, and 50 milligrams daily thereafter, six of seven of their asthmatics were unable to maintain blood levels of 1.0 mg %, which was easily achieved by a healthy control group.

They interpreted this as a sign that asthmatics had a greater requirement for ascorbic acid. In some of their patients they found a relationship between the low blood levels of ascorbic acid and the frequency and severity of asthmatic attacks. 38,39 Researcher NB Silbert reviewed nineteen papers on vitamin C and asthmatic conditions.

Thirteen reported benefit, some to complete remission of symptoms, while 6 reported little or no benefit. Silbert suggested that some of these failures may have been due to inadequate dosages of ascorbic acid.40 S Ruskin reported that sodium ascorbate (a precursor to ascorbic acid) was more effective in asthma and allergy patients than ascorbic acid in doses of 1,200 to 1,500 mg per day.

In a further study he and colleagues showed that, of sixty hay fever patients given 1,000 to 2,250 mg of ascorbic acid daily along with a few milligrams of vitamin B3, 50 percent taking the lower dose, and 75 percent taking the higher dose, showed improvements.41,42W Dawson and colleagues presented a series of papers on the antagonism of ascorbate on bronchospasm and on the action of ascorbate on smooth muscle. They showed that spasmogen induced broncho-constriction could be prevented by ascorbic acid.

More importantly, they showed that this action is dose-dependent; at low levels it may potentiate the effect of spasmogens, such as histamine, and at higher concentrations it inhibits their spastic effects.

This dose-related smooth muscle phenomenon may explain some of the conflicting clinical results of the past six decades. 43,44 Bieolory L and Gandi R reported in 1994 that since 1973 there have been 11 clinical studies of vitamin C supplementation in asthma. They analyzed the studies according to their design, inclusion and exclusion criteria, population studied, variables or factors tested, method of intervention or treatment with vitamin C, and results and conclusions.

From their review they found seven of these studies showed significant improvements in respiratory measures and asthma symptoms, including positive effects on pulmonary function tests, bronchoprovocation challenges with methacholine or histamine or allergens, improvement in white blood cell function and motility, and a decrease in respiratory infections.

They also found vitamin C appeared to be dose-dependent, and suggested the data indicated supplementing the diet with 1 to 2 grams of vitamin C daily. This dosage recommendation appears extremely wise based on the increasing exposure to inhaled oxidants along with the growing appreciation on the antioxidant function of vitamin C in the respiratory system. High-dose vitamin C therapy may also help asthmatics by lowering histamine levels.45

Vitamin C and Histamine Reduction

Since 1994 there have been a number of other studies supporting the preventative role of vitamin C in asthma. CS Johnston and associates examined the antihistamine effect of vitamin C administration and its effect on white blood cell (neutrophil) function in healthy men and women.

In the chronic study, 10 subjects ingested a placebo during weeks 1,2,5, and 6, and 2 grams per day of vitamin C during weeks 3 and 4. Fasting blood samples were collected after the initial 2-week period (baseline) and at the end of weeks 4 and 6. Blood vitamin C levels rose significantly following vitamin C administration, while blood histamine levels fell by 38 percent during the weeks vitamin C was given.

The ability of neutrophils to move in response to an infection (chemotaxis) increased by 19 percent during vitamin C administration and fell 30 percent after vitamin C withdrawal. However, these changes were linked to histamine concentrations. Chemotaxis was greatest when histamine levels were the lowest. In the part of the study looking at the acute effects of vitamin C, blood histamine concentrations and chemotaxis did not change 4 hours following a single dose of vitamin C.

This result suggests that vitamin C lowers blood histamine only if taken over a period of time.46,47

Vitamin C, Oxidation and Asthma

In 1995, GE Hatch of the Pulmonary Toxicology Branch, Health Effects Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, reported that physician-diagnosed asthma increased 437% in the U.S. He reviewed the literature to evaluate the possible influence of dietary antioxidants, especially vitamin C on the increasing prevalence of asthma.

Symptoms of ongoing asthma in adults appear to be increased by exposure to environmental oxidants and decreased by vitamin C supplementation. He reported that vitamin C intake in the general population appears to correlate with asthma, suggesting a diet low in vitamin C is a risk factor for asthma.

There is evidence that the oxidants produced by overactive inflammatory cells contribute to ongoing asthma. The author suggests that supplementation with 1,000 to 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C may be important in protecting against inhaled oxidants and the oxidants produced by these inflammatory cells.48

Lung Function and Vitamin C

Another study, in 1995, by J Britton, et al., at the University of Nottingham, and supported by the British Lung Foundation and the National Asthma Campaign, found support for the hypothesis that lung function in the general population is related to antioxidant vitamins C & E intakes, and that these vitamins may have a role in protecting against the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).49

Protection for Exercise Induced Asthma

In 1997, HA Cohen reported that out of 20 patients, with exercise-induced asthma, given 2,000 mg of vitamin C, a protective effect (lung function) was found in nine and lessened severity of attack in 2 others. Researchers hypothesised that vitamin C may prevent lung damage and inflammation from exposure to free radicals, which are produced more abundantly during exercise.50

Low Vitamin C and Manganese Increases Risk of Asthma by 500%

In 1997, a dietary survey of asthmatics, allergic rhinitis sufferers and a control group indicated those with the lowest intakes of vitamin C and manganese were associated with more than a five-fold increased risk of asthma. Those with low intakes of zinc had increased risk of symptoms of seasonal allergies, and those with low magnesium intakes had increased risk of asthma.51

Vitamin C Protective for Lung Function

AR Ness and colleagues at the Institute of Public Health, Cambridge UK, studied the relationship between respiratory function and vitamin C levels in blood plasma. 835 men and 1025 women aged 45-75, completed a health and lifestyle questionnaire and attended a health check.

The outcome measures were: forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1); forced vital capacity (FVC); and non-fasting plasma vitamin C. Plasma vitamin C was positively correlated with both FEV1 and FVC in men, following adjustment for age and height; the association in women was weaker and not statistically significant.

In men, differences in FEV1 and FVC for a 50micromol/l difference in vitamin C were 0.22 litres and 0.23 litres respectively. 12.1% of men with vitamin C levels less than or equal to 30 micromol/L had an FEV1 of less than 2 litres, whereas only 4.6% of men with vitamin C levels greater than or equal to 60 micromol/L had an FEV1 less than 2 litres.

The researchers concluded that these results are consistent with data from other studies of vitamin C and respiratory function and suggest that vitamin C is protective for lung function through the whole normal range of dietary intake and lung function.52

Vitamin C and Upper Respiratory Infections

H Hemila of the Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Finland writes that various studies have shown an increased risk of respiratory infections in people performing heavy physical exercise.

Since vitamin C has been shown to affect some components of the immune system, it may have effects upon the increased incidence of respiratory infections caused by heavy physical stress. Results were analyzed from 3 placebo-controlled studies examining the effect of vitamin C supplementation on the incidence of common cold in people under acute physical stress.

In one study, the participants were school children at skiing camp in the Swiss Alps; in the second they were military troops training in Northern Canada; in the third they were participants in a 90 km race. A significant reduction in common cold incidence in the vitamin C supplemented (0.6-1.0 g/day) group was found in all 3 studies.

The pooled rate ratio (RR) of common cold infections was 0.5 for the vitamin C groups. These results suggest that vitamin C supplementation is beneficial for individuals performing heavy exercise and who suffer with frequent upper respiratory infections.53

Vitamin C and B3 Deficiencies Found in Bronchial AsthmaEM Rozanov and associates studied 124 patients with bronchial asthma. The majority of patients were found to be deficient in vitamins C and PP during exacerbation of the disease, especially in the winter-spring period of the year.

83% were found to be deficient in nicotinic acid (B3), while 96.8% were deficient in vitamin C. Long-term supplementation with vitamin C and B3 intensified the therapy effectiveness and reduced the terms of the inpatient treatment.54
39. Dawson W, West GB. The nature of the antagonism of bronchospasm in the guinea pig by ascorbic acid. Jour Pharmacy Pharmacology, 1965;17:595-596.
40. Silbert NB. Vitamin C - a critical review. Medical Times, 1951;79:370-376.
41. Ruskin S. Sodium ascorbate in the treatment of allergic disturbances. Am Journ Dig Dis, 1947;14:302-306. Ruskin S. The epinephrine potenticity effect of sodium ascorbate in allergy. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Monthly, 1948;27:63-69.
42. Brown EA, Ruskin S. The use of cevitaminic acid in the symptomatic and coseasonal treatment of pllinosis. Annal Allerg, 1949;7:65-70.
43. Dawson W, et al. The nature of the antagonism of bronchospasm in the guinea pig by ascorbic acid. Jour Pharmacy Pharmacology, 1965;17:595-596.
44. Dawson W, et al. Actions of sodium ascorbate on smooth muscle. Brit Journ Pharmacology Chemo, 1967;31:269-275.
45. Bieolory L;Gandi R. Asthma and vitamin C. Annals Allergy 1994;73:89-96.
46. Murray, MT. Encyclopedia of Nutritional Supplements, 1996;Prima Publishing, Rocklin, CA.
47. Johnston CS, et al. Antihistamine effect of supplemental ascorbic acid and neutrophil chemotaxis. J Am Coll Nutr 1992;11:172-176.
48. Hatch GE. Asthma, inhaled oxidants, and dietary antioxidants. Am J Clin Nutr. 1995;61S:625-630.
49. Britton JR, et al. Dietary antioxidant vitamin intake and lung function in the general population. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995;151:1383-1387.
50. Cohen HA, et al. Blocking effect of vitamin C in exercise-induced asthma. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1997;151:367-370.
51. Soutar A, et al. Bronchial reactivity and dietary antioxidants. Thorax 1997;52:166-170.
52. Ness AR, et al. Vitamin C status and respiratory function. Eur J Clin Nutr 1996;50:573-579. 53. Hemila H. Vitamin C and common cold incidence: a review of studies with subjects under heavy physical stress. Int J Sports Med. 1996;17: 379-383.
54. Rozanov EM, et al. Vitamin PP and C allowances and their correction in the treatment of bronchial asthm patients. VoprPitan 1987;Nov-Dec:21-24.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Protein in the Urine

Here are some answers from MD's to the question about having tests come back showing protien in the urine.

Dr. Roque FamArias writes:

Protein in the urine can happen for many reasons. People with normal kidneys do not spill protein into their urine no matter what type of protein they eat.

The culprit is usually a problem with the kidneys, or one of the following: excessive exercise, fever, acute allergic reaction, malignant hypertension (high blood pressure), some kind of systemic disease such as lupus, diabetes (once it affects the kidney), cancer (multiple myeloma and many others), etc; exposure to certain drugs or toxins like mercury, gold, lead, etc.; heart failure, pregnancy, obesity, some inherited diseases, many systemic infections, especially of the kidney (and past history of glomerulonephritis which is an infection of the kidney proper).

BUT, not from soy, unless the guy is severely allergic to it. The bottom line is he needs to see his doctor, have the urine repeated , and if the protein is still there, he needs further workup. Don't blame it on the soy protein because this is highly unlikely.
Stay healthy, Roque. (Dr. Roque Arias)-

Daniel Pugh MD writes:
I'm Nancy's husband Dan, & I'm an MD. Regardless of diet there is normally no protein in the urine. Protein in the urine is a sign of kidney disease, not high-protein diet. Your upline's proteinuria during pregnancy was probably a symptom of pre-eclampsia, which is a kidney disorder of pregnancy.

The commonest disorders that put protein into the urine are diabetic kidney disease, hypertensive kidney disease and inflammatory diseases of the kidneys. Some people's kidneys leak protein for no apparent reason, but that can only be decided by looking for everything else & not finding it.

However it is also true that part of the medical management of any chronic kidney disease is to restrict dietary protein intake because processing the breakdown products from protein metabolism is a stress on a weak kidney, though not on a well one.

So this person needs to work with his doctor to find out what's going on, and take care of it.- Daniel Pugh MD

Buy Healthy Soy Protein Online

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Alfalfa, called by one eminent biologist, "THE GREAT HEALER", has been enthusiastically backed by many noted doctors, biologists, food and health authorities, who tell us that it contains more of the needed essential elements than almost any other plant or substance.

The lack of elements is now considered to be one of the principal contributing causes of most human ailments. Along with its other amazing qualities, it has been found that alfalfa contains Vitamin U.
Dr. Garnett Chaney, well-known food scientist of Stanford University, CA, has published his findings on Vitamin U, and asserts that it has great possibilities as as aid for peptic ulcers. In fact, according to the record, 80% of the ulcers so treated were healed.

Alfalfa is the richest land grown source of trace minerals. The roots of this perennial plant burrow deep into the soil and absorb the important trace minerals and elements such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and phosphorous. Combined with chlorophyll and other organic salts, these factors seem to balance the so-called salt system of the body and act as a natural diuretic.

Alfalfa is most important for its Vitamin A and enzyme content. Vitamin A is important in building healthy skin, both outer and inner skin. The outer skin complexion improves, dryness is prevented and the skin becomes less susceptible to infection. The inner skin, or mucous membrane, is also greatly aided. The lining of the throat, nose, stomach and intestines are all improved with Vitamin A.

Enzymes are organic catalysts which promote chemical changes. Alfalfa contains the following seven enzymes:
Protase, which acts in the digestion of proteins
Coagulase, Emulsin and Peroxidase, which have direct action upon the blood
Amylase and Invertase which act in the conversion of starches and sugars
Lipase, a fat splitting enzyme.

Hence, Alfalfa greatly assists digestion both by promoting healthy mucous membrane tissue, and providing enzymes which convert foods into useable form. As many or our enzymes are destroyed by routine cooking and food processing, it is beneficial to take a few alfalfa tabs before each meal.

The use of alfalfa increases one's alkaline reserves and helps to offset the enervating effect of fatigue acids. It is beneficial to who have kidney or bladder trouble because it makes excretion of the kidney less acid and therefore less irritating to the urinary tract.

The U.S.Dept. of Agriculture states that while the average fruit or vegetable is from one to ten units alkaline, alfalfa is 130 units alkaline. This alkaline nature makes the use of anti-acid tablets for digestion unnecessary.

Chlorophyll is plentiful in alfalfa, and chlorophyll is known as a body cleanser, infection fighter and nature's deodorizer. This wonder of nature possesses the property of breaking down poisonous carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in turn, thus inhibiting or reducing the action of anaerobic bacteria.

Try this experiment. If your dog has bad odor or bad smelly breath try crushing a couple of alfalfa tabs on his food. Alfalfa is rich in Vitamin K, which helps develop fibrin, which in turn protects against hemorrhaging by helping the blood to clot properly. It contains 20,000 to 40,000 units of Vitamin K for every 100 grams.

Alfalfa is being used as a means of bringing relief to arthritis sufferers and there are approximately 10,000,000 arthritics today.

The estimate is that 97% of all individuals over 40 have some form of arthritic disease. These individuals would do their aching joints a blessed favor by consuming some alfalfa in the tablet form.

Patients who have had 18 alfalfa tablets, six, three times a day and some extra B-COMPLEX are free from pain and hands are limber.
(From: Catharyn Elwood's "Feel Like a Million".)

Buy Alfalfa Online CLICK HERE

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Expert sees obesity hitting U.S. life expectancy

LONDON, Feb 2 (Reuters) - Life expectancy in the United States is set to drop within the next 50 years due to obesity, one of the world's top experts on the subject said on Wednesday."My colleagues and I believe that within the next 50 years, life expectancy at birth will decline, and it will decline as a result of the obesity epidemic that will creep through all ages like a human tsunami," Professor Jay Olshansky of the University of Illinois said in London.

However, Olshansky declined to say by how it would drop. It is currently 80 years for females and 74.5 for males. He said his full research would be published within 6 weeks."There has been a dramatic increase in obesity among the younger generation and it is a storm that is approaching," he told an audience at the CASS Business School.

More than 30 percent of Americans are classified as obese, translating to around 59 million people. Being obese triples the risk of heart disease and produces a tenfold increase in the likelihood of developing diabetes.U.S. life expectancy has increased dramatically since 1900, when the average age of death for men and women combined was 47 and most projections see life expectancy continuing to rise.

But Olshansky said the negative impact on life expectancy would likely hit when obese Americans reached middle age, which could further burden the country's state benefit system by reducing the number of people who are able to work. Over time, however, it could reduce the pension burden if people died before reaching retirement.

According to a recent study by the Rand Corporation, if Americans continued to get fatter at current rates, by 2020 about 1 in 5 health-care dollars spent on people aged 50 to 69 could be due to obesity, 50 percent more than now.

02/02/05 16:54 ET Copyright 2003 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.

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Monday, February 07, 2005

The importance of a glass of water

Reminder: One Glass of Water

Some interesting facts ......One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University study.

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen.

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

Are you drinking the amount of water you should every day?

(No kidding, all of the above is true...)

Now that I have your attention, go get a glass of water!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Amazing New Carb Smart Plan

As part of its commitment to embracing proven scientific research, Our Manufacturer has introduced the Smart Carb Plan to their already clinically proven weight management program. Using the latest research and science on the glycemic index (G.I.) and glycemic levels (G.L.) eliminates the confusion over carbs, and designs an effective, clinically proven program that will safely energize you and support your body’s health.

You choose “smart” carbohydrates, as part of a nutritious diet with foods you already enjoy. The result? You’ll finally shed those unwanted pounds and inches, the way nature intended. And you’ll feel great with lots of energy and not feeling deprived while doing the program.

The benefits of a low Glycemic eating plan combined with the MGM's Weight Management Products are numerous:
Low GI foods will allow you to feel fuller longer, have fewer cravings, lose weight and stay healthy.

The low glycemic approach differs significantly from other low-carb diets because it encourages the consumption of many types of “good,” low glycemic carbohydrates as well as lean proteins and heart healthy fats.

The whole grains, fruits and vegetables in this diet provide for an abundance of vitamins and minerals that are lacking in typical low carb diets.

The reason this eating plan works is because your blood sugar levels are stabilized with low glycemic foods so you do not develop sudden cravings. Insulin levels are also regulated. This is important because too much insulin in the body activates fat storing enzymes.

MGM's Weight Management Program is unique because it
encompasses a whole health approach that includes diet, exercise,
and the latest studies on smart carbs based on the glycemic index
and glycemic levels.

That means the Program is nutritionally complete, low in saturated fat, and provides dietary ratios set to help you retain healthy glucose and insulin levels. Program basics are complemented with products that help restore your metabolic balance, reduce excessive appetite, curb food cravings, detoxify the body, and retain lean muscle mass while reducing inches and sustaining energy. Additionally, the Weight Management Program uses only safe ingredients.

Pam and Alan Hoffmann of Dallas, TX were one of the first couples in the country to experience the Smart Carb Plan. Here are their stats for their one-month trial.

Alan started out at 257 lbs and went down to 243 lbs for a total loss of 14 lbs in one month!His chest was 47-1/2 inches and now it is 44 inchesHis stomach was 47 inches and now is 43 inchesHis neck was 18 inches and now is 16 inches.Alan is 6’4"

Pam started out at 158 lbs and went down to 152 lbs.... for a total loss of 6 lbs in one month.My bust was 36 inches and now it is 35 1/2 inchesMy waist was 32 inches and now is 29 1/2 inchesMy hips were 42 1/2 inches and now is 39 inches.I am 5'4"

Make a commitment to good health by achieving significant weight loss in pounds and inches in 2005. Right now when you order the Weight Management Starter Kit and one Refill Kit of the same flavor, you’ll receive a FREE Talking pedometer (retail value $21.95).

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Tuesday, February 01, 2005

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MGM Supplement's Adult Multivitamin is a beautifully engineered supplement with 40 ingredients and more than 200 quality tests associated with it. It's potency is 100% guaranteed. Antioxidants, bone-healthy calcium, heart-healthy B vitamins, trace minerals, and a smooth natural coating for easier swallowing.

Get your nutritional insurance for as little as .34 cents a day. CLICK HERE

The Reversal of Cervical Dysplasia With Vitamin Therapy

by Dr. James Meschino, DC, MS

An emerging body of evidence suggests that nutrition may play a role in the
prevention and reversal of cervical dysplasia, which is a pre-cancerous
condition of the cervix.

The B-vitamin folic acid is critical to synthesis of normal DNA as cells
divide from one generation to the next. Cells that line the cervix replace
themselves every 7-14 days and therefore, the cells must continuously form
DNA as part of their genetic structure. Previous studies have demonstrated
that poor folic acid status can lead to DNA abnormalities with subsequent
development of cervical dysplasia or megaloblastic features of cervical
cells (large abnormal cell appearance).

Oral contraceptives are known to increase the rate of cell division of
cervical cells, hence, escalating the need for adequate folic acid intake.

Studies by Whitehead et al and Butterworth et al demonstrated that folic
acid supplementation could reverse cervical megaloblastic charges and
cervical dysplasia, respectively, in patients using oral contraceptives. In
fact, oral contraceptive use is a known risk factor for cervical dysplasia,
primarily due to its effect on speeding up cell division rates.

In the study by Butterworth et al, patients with mild and moderate degrees
of cervical dysplasia showed reversal of their condition over a three month
trial period with folic acid supplementation.

In both studies the authors noted a statistically lower mean red blood cell folic acid concentration in oral contraceptive users compared with nonusers,
which was particularly marked in patients with cervical dysplasia. Red blood
cell folic acid levels are considered to be a good indicators of folic acid

Other population studies (epidemiologic) consistently support the hypothesis
that folic acid plays a protective role in the prevention of cervical dysplasia.
Unfortunately, up to 88 percent of the population consumes less
then 400mcg per day of folic acid. This is the level that women should ingest
to reduce the risk of spinal birth defect in their offspring The same level
of intake appears to be sufficient to reduce the risk of cervical folic acid
deficiency and subsequent risk of cervical

Ingesting a multiple vitamin containing 400mcg is likely the most practical
and effective means of ensuring adequate folic acid intake.

In other studies, vitamin A and beta-carotene have been examined as nutrients
that may prevent or reverse cervical dysplasia. Epidemiologic (observation studies of a population) studies support the idea that vitamin A, beta-carotene, and vitamin C are important for the prevention of this condition.

Smoking is a known risk factor for the development of cervical dysplasia and beta-carotene has been shown to be effective against smoking-related cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer. This was documented in studies by de Vet HC et al and Winkelstein W. Jr. The amassing evidence suggests that low vitamin nutriture of these agents, cigarette smoking and human papillomavirus infection combine to>contribute to the risk, progression and evolution of cervical dysplasia. In recent years studies using topically applied vitamin A to the cervix resulted in up to a 50 percent complete reversal of cervical dysplasia in Phase ll and Phase lll clinical trails.

Vaginal and vulvar side effects of this treatment were mild and reversible at the end of treatment. These results suggest that this type of treatment represents a viable option in the treatment of cervical dysplasia. Vitamin A and its natural and synthetic derivatives (retinoids) modulate the growth of cervical cells, slowing growth and enhancing maturation of cells. All of these effects are related to the prevention of cancer and the reversal of pre-cancerous states.

In another study of patients with mild or moderate cervical dysplasia, 30 patients were treated with 30mg of beta-carotene orally for up to six months. More than 70 percent of patients showed reversal of their condition by six months, but only three months were required to realize optimal reversal of this condition as suggested by serum beta-carotene levels and measurement of shed cervicovaginal cells, which were highly correlated.

Presently Phase lll trials are underway which are testing beta-carotene and topical vitamin A as treatment agents against cervical dysplasia with larger populations and more sophisticated research methods.

In the meantime there is sufficient evidence to suggest that nutrition is a vital component of preventing and potentially reversing cervical dysplasia. Recently, lycopene has been added to the list of prevention agents that may reduce risk of cervical dysplasia and cervical cancers

(see AHREF="aol://4344:1679.Mesh_033.13663031.588921153" Folic Acid,Vitamin>E, Beta-Carotene and Lycopene May Reduce Cervical Cancer).

Consuming at least five fruit and vegetable servings per day in conjunction with a well-designed multiple vitamin is an important step in the prevention of this and other pre-cancerous and cancerous problems. In my view your multiple vitamin should be enriched with higher levels of antioxidants and contain 400mcg of folic acid.

Copyright 1998 Dr. James Meschino
References: Meyskens FL and Manetta A. Prevention of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer

Editors note: MGM Supplement's Multivitamin contains 400mcg of Folic Acid per 2 Tablets.
Our manufacturer research has found that there is no dry form of Beta Carotene, that is stable and so it is not used in their Multivitamin as of now.

See MGM Supplements New Improved Beta Carotene Supplement

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease