Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Help for Diverticulitis Sufferers!

When food becomes trapped in these sacs and digestion via colon bacteria begins, the digested food particles become stagnant, thus causing inflammation and infection.

Most symptoms may be improved via diet manipulation and a specific supplementation program.

Improve your diet i.e. eliminate all junk & processed foods.
Improve the digestive process.
Restore correct bowel flora (favorable bacteria in the colon).
Provide the bowel with certain supplements to help it fight off food fermentation & infection. Drink plenty of pure clean water.

Recomended Shaklee Products:

Shaklee Basics
Herb lax
Stomach soothing comfort (make into tea)
Omega 3 Complex
Fiber (after inflammation clears up)

In the inflamed state, you should avoid fiber or spicy food until the infection clears up. When the infection is gone, gradually increase your fiber intake to 25 grams a day. In severe cases, some people are put on a liquid diet.

Avoid foods with little seeds (such as sesame seeds, tomato seeds or cucumber seeds) and nuts, which may not get fully digested and could get caught in a pouch. Foods with tough skins could also be a problem.

Buy Shaklee Products Online HERE

Monday, November 29, 2004

Amazing Facts about Alfalfa

Alfalfa is an herb that is often overlooked. It's medicinal and nutritional benefits are very impressive

These symptoms benefit from alfalfa: swelling, pain or stiff joints, arthritis, ulcers, stomach ailments, colon problems, gas pain, haital hernia, water retention, stimulates appetite, swollen ankles and feet, sinus problems, allergies, hayfever, gout, body odor, smelly feet, bad breath, detoxification

Alfalfa is a natural, antihistamine, diuretuc, digestive aid, provides fiber and chlorophyll, rich source of trace minerals, aids diabetices, lowers cholesterol, anti-tumor, anti-bacterial

VITAMINS found in Alfalfa:

Vitamin A - for night vision. Builds resistance to infections, especially in the respiratory tract; promotes growth ands vitality; promotes healthy skin and is essential in pregnancy.

Vitamin E - protects cells against damage from sun's radiation and air pollution; promotes heart, cardiovascular and muscle health and improved immune function; promotes muscle tone in the body; helps bring nutrients to cells and helps strengthen blood vessel walls, including capillary walls; helps proper focusing of the eyes.

Vitamin U - promotes health of body to help overcome peptic ulcers.

Vitamin B6 - helps food assimilation and protein and fat metabolism; promotes nerve and skin health; helps battle nausea symptoms.

Vitamin K - essential for blood clotting; important in liver functions; may possibly contribute to vitality and longevity.

Vitamin D - regulates the use of calcium and phosphorus in the body and is therefore necessary for the proper formation of strong and healthy teeth and bones.

MINERALS found in Alfalfa:

Calcium - builds and maintains bones and teeth; helps clot blood, aids in vitality and endurance; regulates heart rhythm, soothes nerves.

Iron - required in manufacturing hemoglobin; helps carry oxygen in the blood.

Potassium - necessary for normal muscle tone, nerves, heart action and enzyme reactions; digests fats.

Phosphorus - needed for normal bone and tooth structure. Interrelated with action of calcium and Vitamin D. Improves nourishment of nerve tissue.

Chlorine (chloride) - an essential electrolyte which cleans and purifies the body; regulates fat, sugar and starch metabolism.

Sodium - regulates fluid balance throughout body; neutralizes acids, prevents clotting of blood; activates spleen, bowels and stomach functions.

Silicon Magnesium helps body to deal with constipation; steadies the nerves; has protective effect on skin and body; stimulates brain function.

Other properties of alfalfa:

High in protein - alfalfa has 18.9% as compared to beef at 16.5%, milk at 3.3% and eggs at 13.1%. (Muscles are composed of protein and the lack of it results in fatigue and weakness.)

Alfalfa's deep roots seek out minerals in the subsoil, which are inaccessible to other plants. The average alfalfa plant has roots 10 to 20 feet long or more.

Resource materials:Nature's Medicines, by Richard LucasNature's Healing Grasses by H.E. Kirschner, M.D.Vitamin/Mineral Chart by the Redwood City Health Food CenterDiet and Health, by Dr. B.L. Corley

Buy Alfalfa Online Here

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Building Healthy Cells

Health begins at the cellular level. Soy Protein is the single most important nutrient for building healthy cells.

On a recent PBS program focused on preventing premature aging, the medical doctor stressed the importance of protein. He suggested 80 grams a day for men and 50 grams a day for women.

Here is an easy way to get extra protein in your diet.

1 cup Instant Soy Protein
1 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup natural maple syrup or honey

Roll into balls and roll Fiber Crunch on top. If you like , add nuts, raisins or granola...

Makes a great healthy snack!

Monday, November 22, 2004

How to rid your body of parasites

Since parasites flourish on sugar, it is important to eliminate this parasite promoter and immune suppresser in all forms from your diet. This includes excessive fruit and fruit juices. The exceptions are cranberries, small amounts of fresh pineapple and fresh papaya which contain anti-parasitic enzymes. Eat figs and pumpkin seeds.

This can be combined with black walnuts. When a person is afflicted with worms, the body's supply of all nutrients is depleted to the point that supplementation of all nutrients is necessary to restore normal health. Nutrients of special importance are Vitamin A, the B complex, especially Thiamin, Riboflavin, B6, B12, and Pantothenic Acid; Vitamins C, D and K and Calcium, Iron and protein.

Eat a diet high in fiber, primarily from raw vegetables and whole grains. • Eat garlic, onions, cabbage, and carrots. They contain natural sulphur which helps expel worms. As you might expect, worms do not like garlic.

  • Make sure you are obtaining enough water. Drink only pure water (distilled).
  • For children, make senna tea, strain it, add enough raisins to soak up the tea. Give the children a teaspoon of raisins 2-5 times a day. Here are other precautionary measures which should be taken
  • Eat a nourishing diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. You need all the good nourishment you can get. The worms are robbing you of so much.
  • Make sure your children, if they have worms, are getting adequate nutrition.
  • Never eat watercress. It grows in streams, many of which are now polluted. Watercress, which is eaten raw as a salad, can have pinworms and tapeworms on it.
  • Do not eat raw or partly cooked fish, beef, or pork.
  • Wash vegetables thoroughly before eating them raw
  • Wash all underclothing, bed clothes, and sheets frequently in hot water.
  • Have all family members wash their hands frequently, especially after using the toilet, before meals, and bedtime. Do not bite nails.
  • Clean rooms frequently, especially bedrooms. • Sterilize toilet seats. The infected person should sleep alone.

Take Herb lax, Fiber, OptiFlora, Garlic, and EZ Gest, along with the Shaklee Basics.

This came from: Ann Louise Gittleman, M.S., C.N.S., is one of the foremost nutritionalists in America. She obtained her master's degree in nutrition education from Columbia Univeristy and began her career as a Chief Nutritionist at New York's Bellevue Hospital. She has since served as Bilingual Nutritionist for the USDA's Women, Infants, and Children Food Program in New Haven, CT; Nutritional Consultant for Deepbrook Associates, the first holistic medical group in Connecticut; and Nutrition Director of the world-famous Pritikin Longevity Center in Sanata Monica, CA.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Would you like to eat more without more calories?

The link below is a special report just for you.

Hopefully some of the ideas you will learn will help you get through next week (the biggest eating holiday of the year) ....without having to do the crash diet and fitness mode that most people do in January to get their bodies back in shape.

Get a copy here:

After reading this your mom won't have to say "I told you so!"

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Low Down on Low Blood Sugar

Low Blood Sugar (LBS), also known as Hypoglycemia, is a very popular subject these days as I receive numerous inquiries on a daily basis regarding this condition. It appears so many people suffer from this mysterious malady and don't know how to deal with it.

In many cases, their physician has basically discounted their concerns and after much prompting, perhaps, administered a glucose tolerance test or "challenge" to the blood sugar. Results typically are borderline, hence, the well-meaning doctor proclaims they don't have the condition!

However, the tone of the inquiries is the same: "Help! I think I have low blood sugar and I don't know how to deal with it…. And, am I crazy? My doctor/health care practitioner says there is no such thing or it's all in my head!"

Then, I pose this question. Why, if after the diet is modified, removing offending sugary foods, alcohol and caffeine and adding nutritious fresh produce, complex carbohydrates and moderate levels of lean protein do they actually feel and function so much better?

The answer being, diet is the key to such an imbalance. And, Low Blood Sugar is REAL even if sugar challenge test results state otherwise.

The typical American diet includes highly processed foods such as white flour products, foods laden with sugar and all around junk foods typically devoid of beneficial nutrients. Processed calories in the form of simple carbohydrates (which basically turn to glucose very quickly) such as these, enter the blood stream rapidly.

With a "rush" of glucose the body is thrown off "kilter" and has to compensate by working overtime in order to restore a normal sugar level in the blood. What the body truly desires are carbohydrates that release sugars slowly into the blood stream. These carbohydrates are entitled "complex".

Examples of these are unprocessed grain products such as whole wheat, rolled oats, brown rice and also legumes (beans), and starchy vegetables such as sweet potatoes, corn and regular potatoes.

People with Low Blood Sugar have difficulty maintaining normal levels of sugar in the bloodstream and normally throw it off by eating or drinking something they may be sensitive to. Soft drinks, alcohol and beverages with caffeine all wreak havoc on sensitive systems.

Chewing on hard candies and gum can also cause the blood sugar to nose dive just a short time afterwards. The price paid by LBS sufferers who simply desire fresher breath by popping mints all day long is truly large!

It is a vicious cycle of ups and downs throughout the day…coffee for breakfast, lower energy later, eating a candy snack or even a granola bar (usually laden with sugar), energy drop again…. etc. LBS folks need to know how to control their own blood sugar.

Self-discipline is also a must! One slip (how did that Butterfinger get in my mouth?!) can cause not only the blood sugar to drop again, but can also lead to a variety of other symptoms, including binge eating!

Here's a list of symptoms that have been associated with Low Blood Sugar:
Fatigue and drowsiness
Inability to concentrate
Sleeping difficulties
Mood swings
Temper outbursts

Sensitivity to light and noise
Negative thoughts
Suicidal thoughts
Low libido or sex drive
Waking up tired and exhausted
PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome
Visual disturbances
Family history of low blood sugar or diabetes

Are thinking.... gosh this could be me?

For me the greatest help to get my blood sugar control has been the Basics Foundation Package by Shaklee.

Learn more about Shaklee's Basics Foundation Package

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

New Study Suggests Optiflora May Combat Viral Infection

Written by:Frank M. Painter, D.C.

Evidence of the health benefits of lactobacillus and other probiotics - also known as "friendly bacteria" - is impressive. Many studies have investigated the role of various strains of bacteria in preventing and treating such illnesses as inflammatory bowel disease, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, and even colon cancer. Last year the American Journal of Gastroenterology published an entire supplemental issue dedicated to the use of probiotics in disease treatment. (1)

A recent study on the prevention of gastrointestinal infections suggests that probiotics may also be effective against viral infections. In this study, a group of 81 children was randomized to receive either a strain of lactobacillus (Lactobacillus GG) or placebo after hospital admission. Because many infections are acquired in the hospital (termed nosocomial infections), the researchers decided to test the protective effects of probiotics in this setting.

Of the 81 children in the study, 15 (18.5 percent) experienced diarrhea during their hospitalization. Stool analysis revealed that rotavirus was the most common cause. Probiotic supplement use was associated with a significantly reduced risk of diarrhea; only three children (6.7 percent) in the group given probiotics had diarrhea, yet 12 children (33.3 percent) in the placebo group experienced diarrhea during their hospital stay. (2) The prevalence of rotavirus infection was similar in both groups, but the number of children with symptoms was dramatically lower in the probiotic group.

Probiotics appear to work through a variety of mechanisms, from decreasing pathogen adherence to the intestinal wall to stimulating the systemic immune response. And they seem to be a safe, effective way to prevent virally induced gastrointestinal infections.

1. Am J Gastroenterol 2000 Jan; 95 (1 Suppl): S1-25

2. Szajewska H, et al. Efficacy of Lactobacillus GG in prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in infants J Pediatr 2001; 138 (3): 361-365

Order Optiflora Today

Monday, November 15, 2004

Shaklee Basics Testimonial - No more glaucoma!!

Just imagine all the other possibilities for those who take just theShaklee Basics... It is a very important nutrition program for EVERYONE.
Basic, Simple, and Inexpensive would be the best descriptionfor this amazing program!

From: Joanne Skipper

I thought this might interest many of you. We brag about out basic program and see great things happen for people who spend 33.95 a month and go on it.

We had a customer diagnosed with glaucoma. It was after the diagnosis she started on The Basics.
The next time she went to the doctor -- no glaucoma!

So she decided to give it the test. She quit taking The Basics. The next doctor's appointment she learned the glaucoma was back. So, she ordered more Basics and took them until her next appointment.

What did she find? Thats right - no glaucoma!

Order Shaklee Basics HERE

Sunday, November 14, 2004

What are the benefits of Soy Protein?

We thought you'd want to see what power soy protein has built into it. This is not just one person's opinion. Dr. Nasr continuously reviews the literature. Taking it daily provides incredible benefits. It is good for females, males, children, athletes, and the elderly. Shaklee's Soy is one of the best sources available.

In November 2004, Dr. Nasr spoke in Milwaukee Wisconsin on the benefits of soy. If you want please feel free to pass this along to your acquaintances. For the particular soy that Dr. Nasr recommends, here are some options:


Dr. Nasr has a B.S. in Agronomy; M.S. in Biochemistry of anti-oxidants and a PH.D. in Pharmacognosy (science of bio-active products). He received his M.D. from Rush Medical College in Chicago, followed by Internal Medicine and Cardiology fellowships from Chicago Medical School. He is a member of the American College of Nutraceuticals and the American College of Preventive Medicine and is Director of the Medical Care & Diagnostic Center, Lake Villa, Il 847-356-9009.

For those who didn't see Dr. Nasr, below is a synopsis from Kay Beers' notes. Contact Dr. Nasr for the actual research studies. He uses Shaklee Soy exclusively because it has the very best and most complete soy protein and isoflavone content. You can feel so very good about Shaklee's soy protein, and how we can help so many people who are looking for ways to improve their health.

1. Optiflora and Soy Protein increase the absorption of protein, decrease gas and discomfort and decrease cholesterol by 23%

2. Sixty (60) studies have been conducted showing soy protein increases bone density more than just Calcium Magnesium does.

3. Two studies show that soy and vitamin E, together, decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) by 40% and that is 17% greater decrease than Zocor and Lipitor

4. Four studies show that soy protein inhibits oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol) by 40%. When cholesterol oxidizes, it becomes "sticky" and in this condition is when it can attach to blood vessel walls.

5. Soy prevents gall stones. It doesn't dissolve them but it prevents them.

6. Soy prevents kidneys from damage. Lots of animal protein may be hard on the kidneys, but soy protein protects the kidneys

7. French fries at major fast food establishments are crispy. That is a value for the store. Some french fries are coated with a protein substance that when combined with the sugar in the potato and then heated, give them added crispness. Unfortunately that combination of sugar, protein and high heated fat produces a carcinogen. Probably a good idea to avoid all French fries.

8. Shaklee's protein includes valuable protein and isoflavones that are not present in other soy proteins produced with heat or chemicals. Shaklee's low heat - water wash process keeps the isoflavones in the protein. Isoflavones are natural cancer fighting ingredients that occur naturally in soy.

9. Soy's protein and Isoflavones inhibit the mutated cell's ability to make an enzyme that would cause the cell it to reproduce.

10. Soy inhibits the cancer cell from making the body provide it with additional blood supply (additional blood supply is called angiogenesis).

11. Soy increases the killing effect of the white blood cells (phagocytosis).

12. Soy's amino acid Lysine when combined with Vitamin C decreases Colon Cancer by 90%.

13. The flavanoids (like those in Shaklee's Flavomax) when combined with Soy Protein are synergistic (they work even better together) and decrease breast cancer 10 fold.

14. Beta carotene (like those in Shaklee's CarotoMax) when combined with Soy Protein and Calcium with Vitamin D are 10 times as effective at preventing cancer cells from getting an addition blood supply.

15. Women in the Orient get about 80 mg of Isoflavones a day. Women in US and Europe get about 1.0 mg. That's an 80% negative difference for US and Europe.

16. Soy protein helps the differentiated cell (bad cell) convert back to a normal cell.

Dr. Nasr also listed the several forms of protein and the length of their chain of Amino Acids. The shorter the chain, the more quickly the Amino Acids can be absorbed and utilized.

1. Soy has the shortest chain and takes less than an hour.

2. Fish is next.

3. Chicken takes about 4 hours.

4. Beef takes about 5 hours.

5. Pork takes about 6-8 hours to digest.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A Perspective on the Shaklee Difference

We often talk about, "the Shaklee difference" in the quality of our products, and certainly our products stand out in their safety and effectiveness.

An important aspect of the Shaklee difference is the Shaklee members, specifically our focus on health and our readiness to take responsibility for own health.

As part of Shaklee, our life style choices are a part of the Shaklee difference.

We've talked with many people outside of Shaklee who are devoted to the "sickness industry" model and they say, "My doctor knows best," or, "the treatment, or drug, has been approved by the FDA."

Many good things can be said about both the doctors and the FDA, but we are responsible for our own health. Neither most doctors nor the FDA have adequately advocated nutrition and supplementation as a way of preventing and even treating ailments.

However, recently we have seen, VIOX withdrawn from the market and strong cautions given about the use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

Research has linked both to serious illness. Many doctors prescribed and even advocated the safety of these treatments and both were approved by the FDA.

In Shaklee we have healthful natural products which address pain and women's life cycle changes.

Research has established both the safety and effectiveness of these products. Our focus on wellness leads us to first seek natural solutions to every health challenge whenever possible.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Top Five Supplements for Thyroid Support

For those of you who are reading this, and feel you only have one minute to spare, here's the short version for supplementing your diet to support your Thyroid:

Be sure to take a strong multivitamin with minerals, (Shaklee Vita-Lea), along with Vitamin C, (Shaklee Sustained Release Vita-C) each day. This has to be high-quality, such as can be purchased from Shaklee, as opposed to some of the larger national drug store brands in the same category as Centrum or Centrum Silver. Most nationally-advertised multiple vitamins sold in drugstores do not have the potency nor the bioavailability that thyroid sufferers need.

Other supplements to consider for Thyroid support are:

Iodine - Shaklee Vita-Lea

The first, of course, is iodine, which is very much a double-edged sword for thyroid sufferers. You absolutely need it, but not too much of it. The latest study, to look at this more carefully, was a 1999 report in Nutritional Review, by Lee, Bradley, Dwyer. These researchers tell us that the size of the population with iodine deficiency is now close to 10% of men, and 20% of women.

However, the other 80-90% do not need extra iodine, and for many of this majority, additional iodine can become a thyroid problem.

What to do? If you are a person who never consumes fast food, avoids salt like the plague, doesn't eat much seafood, and feels that sea vegetables are for fish, and especially if you live more than 100 miles from any coast, then you might well consider supplementation with iodine, the key mineral in thyroid hormone production.

If you are not in this category, you would probably do well to not take extra iodine, as you're likely to be getting more than enough from other sources, such as iodized salt and the natural sources of fish and sea vegetables.

This iodine dilemma is the major nutritional problem facing everyone. Worldwide, iodine deficiency diseases account for incalculable suffering in the form of goiter, miscarriage, infertility, and terrible sickness affecting over one billion people on the planet. This is a significant percentage of the human race.

However, in the US, the problem has been thought eliminated by the widespread distribution of iodine, first in bread dough, and in salt. Recently however, there has been resurgence of iodine deficiency, even in our country. It is a problem for specific people.

Researchers are presently working to develop a reliable and effective test for iodine, but at this point, we are not convinced that the available tests are up for the task. In light of all this, some thyroid specialists are suggesting that you hedge your bets and simply ingest each day an amount of iodine that will help if you are too low, but won't hurt if you are already sufficient.

This amount appears to be about 100 mcg (micro-grams) per day. However, if you find that you feel sick after eating iodized foods, you may want to avoid this nutrient.

Selenium - Shaklee Vita-E Complex

As you can see, the minerals may be more important for thyroid production than the vitamins, because the next two items on the list are the minerals selenium and zinc. Selenium is crucial in both the production of T-4 thyroid hormone (thyroxin) in the thyroid gland, as well as in the conversion of T-4 to T-3 thyroid hormone, the active form (thyroxin). Zinc is needed both before and after these production and conversion processes. Zinc is necessary for the TRH hypothalamus hormone to stimulate the pituitary gland, which signals the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormone.

Zinc - Shaklee Zinc Complex

Moreover, zinc is needed at the intracellular level to help the thyroid nuclear receptors attach and drive the reading of the DNA genetic code. Keep in mind that the main function of thyroid hormone is to help put the genetic code into action.

Regarding selenium, we suggest 200 mcg (micro-grams) per day. This is, again, more than is contained in the common multiple mineral products. For zinc, we believe you can take at least 10 mg per day; please keep in mind that when taking 10-25 mg. of zinc, you need to balance that with one mg copper for the zinc-copper ration so useful for thyroid patients. Therefore a good product would contain 1-2 mg of copper in addition to the zinc.

Vitamin D - Shaklee Super Cal Mag Plus

In addition to these minerals, vitamin D is necessary for thyroid hormone production in the pituitary gland, and possibly in the early stages of T-3 (thyroxin) binding to its receptor. Vitamin E is part of the necessary supporting apparatus that enables the deiodinase enzyme to convert T-4 (inactive thyroid hormone) into T-3 (the active type).

It now appears that the amount of vitamin D people need has been grossly under-estimated, nor is it as toxic as first was thought. We recommend at least 800 IU of Vitamin D daily.

Vitamin E - Shaklee Vita-E Complex

The amount of vitamin E needed has likewise been undersold; we recommend 400-800 IU daily. This turns out to be more than is provided in most multiple vitamins, yet it allows for excellent antioxidant protection as well as helping menopausal women avoid hot flashes without resorting to estrogen.

There you have it - the 5 most essential nutrients for feeding the thyroid gland. Keep in mind, however, that these researchers based their studies, for the most part, on fairly healthy individuals. If you have had a thyroid problem of some duration, or if you have some other illness, in addition to your thyroid problem, then other recommendations apply to you.

These include:

Antioxidants - Shaklee CarotoMax & FlavoMax
A full-symphony antioxidant, not just the C and E, but especially 5000 - 10,000 IU of Vitamin A, which is usually present in most multiple products. The other antioxidants, such as lipoic acid, pygnogenol, etc. are often omitted in a multiple vitamin with minerals, but are indeed present in an antioxidant combo. We suggest, for people in this category, very strong anti-oxidant supplementation.

Essential Fats - Shaklee Essential Omega-3 Complex
Moreover, to have your thyroid get to where it needs to go, you are likely to need high doses of the essential fatty acids (EFA) in a 2:1 mix of Omega 3 and Omega 6.

Amino Acids - Shaklee Soy Protein
Finally, long-time sufferers would do well to take extra amino acids. Recall that thyroid hormone is basically the amino acid tyrosine with some iodines attached. Amino acid metabolism is crucial for thyroid function, but it is not just tyrosine that is needed. In fact, far better if full-symphony, free-form amino acids, a couple of grams per day

There you have it. Optimal thyroid nutrients can make an incredible difference, whether you are taking natural and/or synthetic medicines for your condition. Shaklee products are not only effective but they are also safe to use over the long run. In fact, that is when they will perform at their very best!

Buy Shaklee Products Online Here

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

How to Survive and Thrive During the Cold & Flu Season

Unless you’ve been living off the “electronic grid” by now you’ve heard that there’s a shortage of flu vaccines for the coming cold and flu season. The good news is that your body has its own defenses against viruses and bacteria, and that there are a lot of things you can do to stay well. The following are just some of the proactive steps you can take to keep colds and flu’s at bay, along with special notes on how Shaklee can help.

Get plenty of regular rest
8-10 hours for adults is best. The body regenerates and heals during sleep. A good old-fashioned nap is good for everyone. Sleep before 10 PM is a deeper, more restful sleep for most individuals. Children’s bedtime should be no later than 8-9 PM. They do their growing during sleep and need more sleep than adults.

Editor Note: For those having trouble sleeping try Shaklee’s Gentle Sleep Complex. For best results we recommend dropping three tablets of Gentle Sleep Complex into hot water and adding some honey, turning it into a hot tea and sipping it before bed. Creating a nighttime tea routine is an excellent way to get your rest. In fact, stress weakens our immune system, while routines overall help reduce stress! For more information on Gentle Sleep Complex go to: http://www.shaklee.net/mcasey/product/20603

Eat plenty of healthy foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
Cut up fruits and veggies for snacks. During the flu season especially, make pots of homemade vegetable or chicken soup with plenty of garlic (nature’s antibiotic), and organic chicken/beef stock, if possible.

Editor Note: For families who don’t eat a lot fresh fruits and vegetables especially in the winter months, considering supplementing with the Shaklee Antioxidant Pack containing Shaklee’s CarotoMax and Flavomax. Each contains unique concentrated extracts from literally hundreds of fruits and vegetables, providing more support to your immune system than you can get from your diet alone. For more information on Shaklee’s Powerful Antioxidant Solution go to:http://www.shaklee.net/mcasey/product/59083

Regular Hand Washing
Regular Hand Washing is important to minimize transferring germs. Keep hands away from the eyes. Wash hands before putting ANYTHING in your mouth and after blowing your nose.

Editor Note: Use Shaklee Basic G® Concentrated Germicide to disinfect the laundry, bathrooms, doorknobs, phones, computer keyboards, etc. When you disinfect and clean with Shaklee’s Basic-G, the germs aren’t going to regrow for about 72 hours. In contrast, germ regrowth with bleach is about one hour. Also a product like Lysol® is effective against eight of the most common pathogens, but Basic-G kills thirty-two different pathogens! Basic G is approved for hospital use, and is economical too. Just ½ teaspoon of Basic-G added to 16oz of water in a spray bottle makes for an effective disinfectant solution you can spray all over the house. For more information on Shaklee’s Basic-G go to: http://www.shaklee.net.mcasey/product/BasicG

Drink plenty of pure water. It’s easy to become dehydrated in the winter time. Water keeps the toxins flushed out of our systems. Children need more water and less juice. The #1 cause of daytime fatigue and fuzzy thinking is dehydration. Our immune systems require us to be well-hydrated, so drink at least eight glasses of pure water a day.

Editor Note: Tap water is often not clean and tastes bad, and bottled water is expensive not to mention having to lug the water home. Shaklee’s line of BestWater purifiers can meet any family budget and provides good, clean, easily accessible drinking water for pennies a gallon. For more information on Shaklee’s complete line of BestWater purifiers go to: http://www.shaklee.net/mcasey/product/prodWat

Fresh air The EPA says the air in our homes is worse than the air outside. In the wintertime we keep windows and doors closed to keep the cold air out which can exacerbates the problem of indoor air pollution and the recirculation of germs and bacteria that come in the house.

Editor Note: Shaklee’s AirSource 3000 dramatically decreases the presence of all major forms of indoor air pollution including bacteria, and viruses, etc. Purifies the air in your home, school or office up to up to 3000 sq. ft. There’s also the AirSource Mobile unit for just one room and/or the car. Great for travel, too! For more information on AirSource go to: http://www.shaklee.net/mcasey/product/prodAir

Three Shaklee Supplements to build up your immune system With all the stress, pollution, germs and bacteria from a mobile, modern world, keeping your immune system running at optimal levels is more critical then ever before. Fortunately Shaklee offers solutions that harness nature in ways never before achieved, to support, stimulate and protect your immune system.

Shaklee Immune Building Complex: Developed by the discoverer of Interferon and extensively tested by immunologists in Japan, Shaklee Immune Building Complex contains an exclusive, proprietary blend of natural plant extracts which has been clinically proven to support and stimulate the natural immune response process at the cellular level. Supports and stimulates the immune system, by increasing the activity of macrophages and inducing natural interferon production. Optimizes immune response against environmental irritants and airborne substances (as with allergies and asthma). Completely safe – no adverse reactions to these plant extracts ever recorded.For more information go to: http://www.shaklee.net.mcasey/product/20660

Shaklee Defend & Resist: Echinacea has become the most prominent herb used both in the United States and in Europe. Shaklee’s Defend & Resist uses Echinacea and three other herbs to activate the immune system, promote production of white blood cells, enhance resistance to infection, viral and bacterial, especially flu and herpes; reduce mucus. Works best when started at the onset of cold or flu symptoms so take it as soon as possible when the first “tickle in the throat” appears. Can be used effectively for up to 10 days at a time. For more information go to: http://www.shaklee.net/mcasey/product/20613

Shaklee’s Vita-C Sustained Release 500mg.Vitamin C’s antioxidant property protects the body against free radicals. Boosts the immune system, infection fighter, natural antihistamine, increases the resistance to ligament and tendon injury. Vitamin C is depleted by stress such as infections, illness, fatigue, surgery, anxiety, pollution and extremes in temperature. Shaklee’s Vitamin C is unique in that it uses natural gums and waxes to provide a continuous stream of Vitamin C into your bloodstream over a 24-hour period. For more information on Vita-C go to: http://www.shaklee.net/mcasey/product/VitaC