©High Point Enterprise 2003
When Doug Whitlow was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, his doctor offered
little hope for his survival.
As many cancer patients do, Whitlow sought a second opinion - from a
specialist who offered even less hope.
What had begun as renal cell carcinoma - kidney cancer - had grown into a
massive abdominal tumor and spread to the liver by the time it was
discovered. The tumor was so large that it was compressing and closing off
the aorta and displacing other major organs.
The first doctor had recommended radical surgery at one of the nation's
major cancer centers, such as the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., or the
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
The second physician studied Whitlow's radiological scans intensely and
offered a far grimmer outlook.
"Doug, it's too massive, too advanced - you're inoperable," he told Whitlow,
whose wife of 39 years, Anna, sat at his side.
"You need to get your life in order. You need to spend time with your
family. If there's anything you've ever wanted to do, do it and do it
Tears well up in Doug's eyes as he recounts the doctor's blunt words.
"He never set a time element, but he implied that I only had a few months to
live," the 61-year-old High Point man says.
Doug brushes a tear from his cheek and smiles. That unspoken death sentence
came nearly two years ago.
So why is Doug still here - and getting encouraging reports every time he
goes back to the doctor - when conventional wisdom and modern medicine say
he should be dead by now?
No, it wasn't radical surgery, but you might be inclined to call it radical.
* * * *
On the morning of Doug's physical in late January 2002, Anna prayed for her
husband. "Lord," she said, "if there's an underlying problem, let it come to
light. Reveal it to us."
Prayer answered. There was an underlying problem - Stage 4 cancer, with a
grim prognosis.
After the devastating second opinion, Doug sought advice from Dr. Bernie
Chinnasami, medical director of the Cancer Center at High Point Regional
Health System. Chinnasami said chemotherapy would be futile, but interferon
might at least slow the tumors' growth.
After doing some research on his own, Doug politely declined and decided
instead to pursue a rather unconventional therapy consisting of vitamins,
nutritional supplements and - most importantly, in his mind - expectant
"At that point, it was like a chasm in front of me, and I had two choices,"
he says. "I could've gotten angry and said, 'Why me, Lord?' But I walked up
to the edge of that chasm, and I leaped. It was a leap of faith, and He
caught me."
The Whitlows had begun a basic nutrition program a couple of years before
the diagnosis, "so we knew the body has the ability to regenerate and
restore," he says. "But you have to be feeding the body - this temple - the
right things."
Doug and Anna had begun eating more organic foods, drinking more water, and
taking a daily regimen of vitamins and nutritional supplements. In
hindsight, he now believes that lifestyle change may actually have kept his
tumors from growing any more than they did.
A nutrition seminar the couple attended not long after Doug's diagnosis is
what led them to fight the cancer with nutritional supplements.
"There were others there that day who had been told they were Stage 4
terminally ill but had outlived" their doctors' projections of how long they
had to live, Anna recalls.
The Whitlows decided on a regimen shared with them by a woman who had been
"sent home to die," but instead was successfully battling her cancer.
Specifically, Doug took massive amounts of nutrients - nearly 150 a day -
for about two months.
During that same time, the couple took Communion together on a daily basis
and prayed frequently. Every night, Anna would read Scriptures about healing
to her husband from a book called "God's Creative Power for Healing."
Within a month, Doug says he believed he was being healed. A month later -
in April 2002 - he requested a new scan.
There had been no surgery, radical or otherwise. No chemotherapy. No
radiation. No interferon. The battle plan had consisted entirely of
supplements and supplication.
But on April 9, 2002, the Whitlows received good news: The largest tumor in
Doug's liver had shrunk from six to four centimeters, and the others
appeared to be following suit.
With the good news, however, came some bad news: The scan revealed new
tumors in a lung.
Fearful of how the new tumors might impact Doug's immune system, he and Anna
decided to attack them with body radiosurgery, a cutting-edge procedure that
allows doctors to blast a dose of radiation directly at the tumors with
pinpoint precision.
For 31/2 weeks beginning in May 2002, Doug received the treatments at Staten
Island University Hospital in New York City. The liver one day, the kidney
the next, then the lung. Then the cycle would repeat.
"They said if the radiation just stopped the tumors from growing, that would
be a success," Doug says. "Well, that September - my first scan after the
treatment - most of the larger tumors were diminished, and there were some
that didn't even show up."
Doug took the scans back to Chinnasami, who smiled and said, "Whatever it is
you're doing, it's working."
* * * *
That was more than a year ago. Today, Doug continues his regimen of daily
nutritional supplements - and prayer - and he appears healthy.
His latest radiological scan, taken in August, offered further
"The mass around the kidney is slightly decreased and continues to
diminish," he says. "And the liver is almost clear."
He'll probably have another scan next month, he says.
In the meantime, Doug shares his amazing story with all who will listen. He
especially enjoys speaking with other cancer patients, many of whom have
been diagnosed as terminal.
"I tell people not to give up," he says. "A lot of people, when they're told
what I was told, would just say, 'Well, that's the hand I've been dealt.
I'll just go home and die.'
"But there are too many things you can do to be proactive, like the
nutrition I've been doing."
The supplements, he says, are effective because they attack the cause of the
problem, rather than just the symptoms.
"The radiation dealt with my tumors, but it did nothing to improve my body
to heal," he says. "The nutrition did that."
Well, the nutrition and the prayer, he quickly adds.
When Doug looks back at the past 22 months, he's filled with gratitude, he
says. He beams at the sight of his 16-month-old granddaughter, Grace Anna
Mohan, remembering that - had the specialist's prognosis been correct - he
would've died before Grace Anna was born.
A few weeks ago, Doug bumped into the specialist who had told him to "get
his life in order." The doctor, who lives in a neighborhood near Doug's,
told him he often sees Doug out walking or riding in his convertible with
his grandkids, and he wondered how his former patient was doing.
Doug told the doctor about the nutrition, the treatment at Staten Island,
his faith - and his remarkable improvement.
"Well, I've seen a lot of film, and I remember your report well," the doctor
said. "And I'm amazed. You are a miracle."
Doug smiled. This time, the doctor was right, and no second opinion was
Staff writer Jimmy Tomlin can be contacted at 888-3579 or jtomlin@hpe.com
NOTE: The nutrients used are MGM Supplements! Doug and Anna are
also distributors of our Secret Company...
What is Cancer?
CANCER describes a malignancy where the cells multiply and spread.
Two Main Causes:
1. Lack of Detoxification
2. Malnutrition
Goals for People with Cancer
1. Create an internal environment that helps the body heal itself:
a. Get rid of toxins in the body
b. Reduce carcinogens entering the body
2. Strengthen the body's defenses
3. Provide nutritional dietary support
4. Support good health with wise Lifestyle Choices
5. Choose "balanced" holistic therapeutic approaches.
There are NO GUARANTEES against disease!
However, there is one Guarantee:
Poor Nutrition gives you a poor immune system
Optimal Nutrition gives you the very best chance
for an optimal immune response.
A cancer cell develops when the chromosomes of a normal cell have been
altered by "carcinogens". Lack of detoxification allows inappropriate
substances to remain in the cellular tissue & the cell stores more toxins
than it can safely hold. This sets up a vicious cycle:
1.. The accumulation of toxins reduces the cell's ability to detoxify,
causing "intoxication".
2.. Intoxication causes cellular irritation, interference with cellular
function, & premature degeneration of the cellular tissue.
3.. This leads to damaged cellular DNA, which results in the abnormal
growth & multiplication of the cell, that we know as "cancer".
Other Causes of Cancer are:
a.. weak immune system
· allergies
· environmental toxins
· stress
· genetics
· faulty digestive system
· hormonal imbalance
· trans fatty acid consumption
· parasites
.is a result of addressing THREE areas of Wellness..starting with
"Functional Wellness"
- Bowel Microflora
- Liver Detoxification (Parasites)
- Digestive System
- Blood Flow
- Hormonal Balance
- Water & Fibre
- Supplements
- Antioxidants
- Protein
- Addressing Allergies
- Rest
- Exercise
- Eliminating Substance Abuse
- Stress Management
- Using Toxin-Free Cleaners
- Using Toxin-Free Personal Care Products
OPTIMUM NUTRITION IS ESSENTIAL for recovery from any disease!
After chronic degenerative disease has progressed,
even the best therapy will FAIL if OPTIMIZED NUTRITION is NOT met!
1.. Drink ½ oz. purified water per lb. of body weight.
2.. Choose your diet carefully:
- Eat high fibre foods (no processed foods);
- Eat as much raw food as possible (raw, fresh juices from a juicer
are also recommended);
- Avoid trans fatty acids (eg. margarine, heated plant oils, deep
fried foods)
- Reduce or Eliminate Red Meat. However, ensure adequate protein.
Ray Soy Protein Powder is a very wised choice.
3.. Stress management is essential!
4.. Get adequate REST.
5.. Exercise adequately & appropriately.
6.. Deep breathe to oxygenate the blood.
7.. DO NOT USE toxic laundry detergents & other toxic household cleaners.
8.. Colonic irrigation by a qualified therapist who uses filtered water
(no chlorine) is advisable
9.. Parasites are usually a problem in all cancers. A guided parasite
cleanse is advised.
10.. A therapeutic supplement programme is a MUST.
The most trusted name in "Clinical Science" is Shaklee
· Ray Soy Protein Powder contains isoflavones (anti-cancer
compounds). Soy Protein is not a vitamin, but a food. Two level tablespoons
3 times a day, is equivalent to having 2 meat servings (28 gm of
protein).however, it is totally vegetarian.
· Vita-Lea (multiple vitamin/mineral 2 per day
· Vita-E Plus (400 I.U.) 1 per day
· Vita-C (500 Mg) 6 per day
· Optiflora (500 million bowel microflora) 2 per day
· DTX (milk thistle formula) 1 per day
· Beta Carotene Advanced Formula 2 per day
· Garlic 3 per day
· Alfalfa 9 per day
· B Complex 2 per day
· Herb-Lax (as needed to maintain 2 or 3 good bowel movements a day)
Each person has to decide how much to invest in it. If finances allow
a.. Vitamin C to 9+
b.. Vitamin E to 2
c.. DTX to 2 or 3
d.. Optiflora to 3 or 4,
e.. Vita Lea to 4,
f.. Beta Carotene to 3+
The likelihood of the body repairing & healing itself will usually only
happen if aggressive, therapeutic measure are consistently followed in order
a) bring the body back to balance and
b) b) strengthen the body's defense system.
1.. It takes 6 to 7 times the normal amount of nutrition to rebuild &
repair than to maintain health.
2.. Acknowledge the importance of TIME! Every day is critical. Nothing
heals the human body in less than three months..then add on one month for
every year of illness.
Disappointment is usually experienced if these two health rules are NOT
taken seriously.
Please note: The information listed here is for educational purposes & does
not take the place of a Physician's care. Any suggestions given are
"Complementary Health Care" principles that nurture your health, & they can
be blended with traditional medical care.
The body has the ability to eliminate cancer and heal itself. Help your
body do this by:
Drink at least one half of your body weight in ounces/day of fresh PURE
Eliminating all dairy foods, red meat and pork.
Make fresh juice every day, i.e. carrot, celery, cucumber, parsley, beet,
spinach, wheatgrass, malva, chard, and ginger. A popular mix is beet,
carrot and ginger. For an energizing combination try: cucumber, parsley,
wheat-grass, carrots and ginger. Juice fasting is encouraged.
While eating solid food, choose lots of green and colorful vegetables
(3-4cups/day) and 2-4c.fruit/day. Variety is important. Sprouted foods are
highly encouraged.
Support your Immune System further by: Sleeping 9-11 hours/day. Do
relaxation exercises, meditation, yoga, painting or other crafts. Practice
love and laughter. Make plans for the future. Spend time with people who
speak of you and your disease with a positive outlook and who speak of the
future and share your dreams. Spend time with uplifting people doing
uplifting things. Avoid negativity at all costs.
Much more can be done. Listen to Dr. Bruce Miller and Dr. Steve Chaney
tapes on Cancer Prevention. For Dr. Steve Chaney tapes, call K&E
Productions 1-800-852-5135, and for Dr. Bruce Miller tapes call Frontrunners
Eat a low calorie, nutrient rich diet and supplement as listed below:
Vita-C Sustained Release 6-12 per day take 2-4, 3
times per day
Vita E 400 IU 4-8 per day 2-4 in
a.m., 2-4 in p.m.
Carotomax 4-6 per day take
2-3, 2 times per day
Vita Lea 5-8 per day
split 3 times per day
Liqui Lea 1 tsp.
each meal
Energizing Soy Protein 6-9 tbsp per day a.m. and lunchtime
B Complex 6-12 per day a.m. and
Fiber Plan 1-2 tbsp per day add to
Protein Shake
Slim Plan Gold 1-2 per day a.m. and lunchtime
Alfalfa 12 per day
take 4, 3 times per day
Calcium Magnesium 8 per day take 4, 2
times per day
Lecithin 6 per day
take 2, 3 times per day
Zinc 3 per day
take 2, 3 times per day
Herb-Lax 2 per day 1 in
a.m., 1 in p.m.
Optiflora 2 per day 1
in a.m., 1 in p.m.
Immune Building Complex 2-4 per day 1 in a.m., 1 in
Formula I 4-6 per day 2-3
in a.m., 2-3 in p.m.
Liver DTX 4 per day 2 in
a.m., 2 in p.m.
Omega 3 FA Complex 6 per day 3 in a.m., 3 in p.m.
GLA (for pain control) 2-8 per day 1-4 twice a day
This is a general suggestion for where to start with your supplementation.
Regimens may vary depending on the individual and their health.
Anti-oxidants (Carotomax, VitC, Vit E, Vita Lea) should not be used on the
day of, before or the day after chemotherapy agents are used.
Editors Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
For people who want to learn what others have done help their bodies to heal through good nutrition. Read testomonies, and about breakthrough new supplement combinations used to help the body heal itself.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Monday, April 25, 2005
Special Report on Soy Protein
Shaklee's Soy Protein
By: Dr. Nasr
Dr. Nasr has a B.S. in Agronomy; M.S. in Biochemistry of anti-oxidants and a
PH.D. in Pharmacognosy (science of bio-active products). He received his M.D.
from Rush Medical College in Chicago, followed by Internal Medicine and
Cardiology fellowships from Chicago Medical School. He is a member of the
American College of Nutraceuticals and the American College of Preventive
Medicine and is Director of the Medical Care & Diagnostic Center, Lake Villa, Il
1. Optiflora and Soy Protein increase the absorption of protein, decrease
gas and discomfort and decrease cholesterol by 23%
2. Sixty (60) studies have been conducted showing soy protein increases
bone density more than just Calcium Magnesium does.
3. Two studies show that soy and vitamin E, together, decrease LDL (bad
cholesterol) by 40% and that is 17% greater decrease than Zocor and Lipitor
4. Four studies show that soy protein inhibits oxidation of LDL (bad
cholesterol) by 40%. When cholesterol oxidizes, it becomes "sticky" and builds
up on the arterial walls, which leads to clogged arteries.
5. Soy prevents gall stones. It doesn't dissolve them but it prevents them.
6. Soy prevents kidneys from damage. Lots of animal protein may be hard on
the kidneys, but soy protein protects the kidneys
7. French fries at major fast food establishments are crispy. That is a
value for the store. Some french fries are coated with a protein substance
that when
combined with the sugar in the potato and then heated, gives them added
Unfortunately that combination of sugar, protein and high heated fat produces
a carcinogen.
Probably a good idea to avoid all French fries.
8. Shaklee's protein includes valuable protein and isoflavones that are not
present in other soy proteins produced with heat or chemicals. Shaklee's low
heat - water wash process keeps the isoflavones in the protein. Isoflavones
are natural cancer fighting ingredients that occur naturally in soy.
9. Soy's protein and Isoflavones inhibit the mutated cell´s ability to
make an enzyme that would cause the cell to continue reproducing and form a
10. Soy inhibits the cancer cell from making blood vessels that invade
arteries and zap nutrients (this process is called angiogenesis).
11. Soy increases the killing effect of the white blood cells (phagocytosis).
12. Soy's amino acid Lysine when combined with Vitamin C decreases Colon
Cancer by 90%.
13. The flavanoids (like those in Shaklee's Flavomax) when combined with Soy
Protein are synergistic (they work even better together) and decrease breast
cancer 10 fold.
14. Beta carotene (like those in Shaklee's CarotoMax) when combined with Soy
Protein and Calcium with Vitamin D are 10 times as effective at preventing
cancer cells from getting an addition blood supply.
15. Women in the Orient get about 80mg of Isoflavones a day¦.women in US and
Europe get about 1.0 mg. That is an 80% negative difference for US and Europe.
16. Soy protein helps the differentiated cell (bad cell) convert back to a
normal cell.
Dr. Nasr also listed the several forms of protein and the length of their
chain of
Amino Acids. The shorter the chain, the more quickly the Amino Acids
can be absorbed and utilized.
1. Soy has the shortest chain and takes less than an hour.
2. Fish is next.
3. Chicken takes about 4 hours.
4. Beef takes about 5 hours.
5. Pork takes about 6-8 hours to digest.
Contact Dr. Nasr for the actual research studies. He uses Shaklee Soy
exclusively because it has the very best and most complete soy protein and
isoflavone content. You can feel so very good about Shaklee's soy protein, and how we
can help so many people who are looking for ways to improve their health.
Order Shaklee Soy Proten Online Here
By: Dr. Nasr
Dr. Nasr has a B.S. in Agronomy; M.S. in Biochemistry of anti-oxidants and a
PH.D. in Pharmacognosy (science of bio-active products). He received his M.D.
from Rush Medical College in Chicago, followed by Internal Medicine and
Cardiology fellowships from Chicago Medical School. He is a member of the
American College of Nutraceuticals and the American College of Preventive
Medicine and is Director of the Medical Care & Diagnostic Center, Lake Villa, Il
1. Optiflora and Soy Protein increase the absorption of protein, decrease
gas and discomfort and decrease cholesterol by 23%
2. Sixty (60) studies have been conducted showing soy protein increases
bone density more than just Calcium Magnesium does.
3. Two studies show that soy and vitamin E, together, decrease LDL (bad
cholesterol) by 40% and that is 17% greater decrease than Zocor and Lipitor
4. Four studies show that soy protein inhibits oxidation of LDL (bad
cholesterol) by 40%. When cholesterol oxidizes, it becomes "sticky" and builds
up on the arterial walls, which leads to clogged arteries.
5. Soy prevents gall stones. It doesn't dissolve them but it prevents them.
6. Soy prevents kidneys from damage. Lots of animal protein may be hard on
the kidneys, but soy protein protects the kidneys
7. French fries at major fast food establishments are crispy. That is a
value for the store. Some french fries are coated with a protein substance
that when
combined with the sugar in the potato and then heated, gives them added
Unfortunately that combination of sugar, protein and high heated fat produces
a carcinogen.
Probably a good idea to avoid all French fries.
8. Shaklee's protein includes valuable protein and isoflavones that are not
present in other soy proteins produced with heat or chemicals. Shaklee's low
heat - water wash process keeps the isoflavones in the protein. Isoflavones
are natural cancer fighting ingredients that occur naturally in soy.
9. Soy's protein and Isoflavones inhibit the mutated cell´s ability to
make an enzyme that would cause the cell to continue reproducing and form a
10. Soy inhibits the cancer cell from making blood vessels that invade
arteries and zap nutrients (this process is called angiogenesis).
11. Soy increases the killing effect of the white blood cells (phagocytosis).
12. Soy's amino acid Lysine when combined with Vitamin C decreases Colon
Cancer by 90%.
13. The flavanoids (like those in Shaklee's Flavomax) when combined with Soy
Protein are synergistic (they work even better together) and decrease breast
cancer 10 fold.
14. Beta carotene (like those in Shaklee's CarotoMax) when combined with Soy
Protein and Calcium with Vitamin D are 10 times as effective at preventing
cancer cells from getting an addition blood supply.
15. Women in the Orient get about 80mg of Isoflavones a day¦.women in US and
Europe get about 1.0 mg. That is an 80% negative difference for US and Europe.
16. Soy protein helps the differentiated cell (bad cell) convert back to a
normal cell.
Dr. Nasr also listed the several forms of protein and the length of their
chain of
Amino Acids. The shorter the chain, the more quickly the Amino Acids
can be absorbed and utilized.
1. Soy has the shortest chain and takes less than an hour.
2. Fish is next.
3. Chicken takes about 4 hours.
4. Beef takes about 5 hours.
5. Pork takes about 6-8 hours to digest.
Contact Dr. Nasr for the actual research studies. He uses Shaklee Soy
exclusively because it has the very best and most complete soy protein and
isoflavone content. You can feel so very good about Shaklee's soy protein, and how we
can help so many people who are looking for ways to improve their health.
Order Shaklee Soy Proten Online Here
Friday, April 22, 2005
Why do some countries have healthier tickers??
I saw this article today... The last sentence is kinda scary, and
I'm sure it does scare those of you who have kids of your own...
We should be on a CRUSADE to make sure that the next generation
that follows us is the HEALTHIEST generation in history!!!
I have summarized it into the following bullet points:
Hearts Around the World - Why do some countries have healthier tickers?
By Samuel Greengard
--- a global ticking time bomb: coronary heart disease is now the leading
killer among diseases worldwide and 82 percent of future increases in heart
disease will occur in developing countries.
--- it's never too soon to take action through smart lifestyle choices.
"Maintaining the proper weight through a good diet and exercise is essential," **
take action: like join Shaklee and Shaklee-ize your home and your
--- the mortality rate for heart disease in Asia & the Mediterranean can be
as low as 71 deaths per 100,000 people, the U.S. is more like 177 per
--- 80-90% of deaths from coronary heart disease are influenced by
lifestyle: "Diet, stress, smoking and exercise are all key issues," **we can help
people with ALL of these!**
--- WHAT CAN HELP: a more "plant-based diet lower in fat", and eating lots
of fruits, vegetables, grains and olive oil. ** most of us do NOT eat 5
servings of fruits and veggies every day! so we really need to be on at least
the Shaklee Basics, and everyone should look into Carotomax & Flavomax - they
say taking those every day is equivalent to something like eating several
pounds of veggies! **
--- In Asia, the widespread availability of soy might also play a role in
maintaining a healthy heart. ** if you don't already eat tons of soy, DRINK
it!!! you can mix MGM Supplement's Energizing Soy protein with just about anything you
want, and get it to taste the way YOU like it! They say you should be
getting at least a 1/2 gram of protein for every pound of body weight - so if you
weigh 150 lbs, you need 75-100 grams of protein per day!**
--- SOY can improve heart health by lowering so-called "bad" cholesterol and
reducing clotting in blood vessels. **MGM Supplement also has all kinds of stuff to
help with cholesterol!!!**
--- heart disease correlates with a obesity in the U.S. - and the problem is
spreading to other countries, including China and Japan. "The sheer number
of calories as well as the type of calories - from sugar and fat - is a
lethal combination," he says. **MGM Supplement Weight Management Program!!!!!!! It
will reduce the amount of calories people want to eat, and change the type of
calories to more protein and smarter carbs!!!!**
--- Another factor in heart disease is stress. Sometimes good eating habits
aren't enough to offset STRESS - especially where there's lots of poverty and
heavy cigarette smoking (Bulgaria, for instance, heart-disease deaths total
about 330 per 100,000).
**MGM Supplements has lots of stuff to help with Stress**
Stress relief Complex, Moodlift Complex, Vitamin B-Complex...
and by the way, there is a SPECIAL right now:
Exclusive Offer! Buy one Stress Relief Complex* and get one at 50% OFF!
As we talked about the other day with Cookie Monster, children today should
grow up the most health-conscious generation in the history of the world!
However - this article says that today's children could possibly be the first
generation to live shorter lives then their parents.
**Let's get every parent we can find to start their kids on MGM Supplements ASAP,
and start building the
right habits to help them as they grow up!!!!!!!!!!!**
Samuel Greengard is a writer specializing in health, business and technology
and past president of the American Society of Journalists and Authors.
Widger Associates, Inc
** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I'm sure it does scare those of you who have kids of your own...
We should be on a CRUSADE to make sure that the next generation
that follows us is the HEALTHIEST generation in history!!!
I have summarized it into the following bullet points:
Hearts Around the World - Why do some countries have healthier tickers?
By Samuel Greengard
--- a global ticking time bomb: coronary heart disease is now the leading
killer among diseases worldwide and 82 percent of future increases in heart
disease will occur in developing countries.
--- it's never too soon to take action through smart lifestyle choices.
"Maintaining the proper weight through a good diet and exercise is essential," **
take action: like join Shaklee and Shaklee-ize your home and your
--- the mortality rate for heart disease in Asia & the Mediterranean can be
as low as 71 deaths per 100,000 people, the U.S. is more like 177 per
--- 80-90% of deaths from coronary heart disease are influenced by
lifestyle: "Diet, stress, smoking and exercise are all key issues," **we can help
people with ALL of these!**
--- WHAT CAN HELP: a more "plant-based diet lower in fat", and eating lots
of fruits, vegetables, grains and olive oil. ** most of us do NOT eat 5
servings of fruits and veggies every day! so we really need to be on at least
the Shaklee Basics, and everyone should look into Carotomax & Flavomax - they
say taking those every day is equivalent to something like eating several
pounds of veggies! **
--- In Asia, the widespread availability of soy might also play a role in
maintaining a healthy heart. ** if you don't already eat tons of soy, DRINK
it!!! you can mix MGM Supplement's Energizing Soy protein with just about anything you
want, and get it to taste the way YOU like it! They say you should be
getting at least a 1/2 gram of protein for every pound of body weight - so if you
weigh 150 lbs, you need 75-100 grams of protein per day!**
--- SOY can improve heart health by lowering so-called "bad" cholesterol and
reducing clotting in blood vessels. **MGM Supplement also has all kinds of stuff to
help with cholesterol!!!**
--- heart disease correlates with a obesity in the U.S. - and the problem is
spreading to other countries, including China and Japan. "The sheer number
of calories as well as the type of calories - from sugar and fat - is a
lethal combination," he says. **MGM Supplement Weight Management Program!!!!!!! It
will reduce the amount of calories people want to eat, and change the type of
calories to more protein and smarter carbs!!!!**
--- Another factor in heart disease is stress. Sometimes good eating habits
aren't enough to offset STRESS - especially where there's lots of poverty and
heavy cigarette smoking (Bulgaria, for instance, heart-disease deaths total
about 330 per 100,000).
**MGM Supplements has lots of stuff to help with Stress**
Stress relief Complex, Moodlift Complex, Vitamin B-Complex...
and by the way, there is a SPECIAL right now:
Exclusive Offer! Buy one Stress Relief Complex* and get one at 50% OFF!
As we talked about the other day with Cookie Monster, children today should
grow up the most health-conscious generation in the history of the world!
However - this article says that today's children could possibly be the first
generation to live shorter lives then their parents.
**Let's get every parent we can find to start their kids on MGM Supplements ASAP,
and start building the
right habits to help them as they grow up!!!!!!!!!!!**
Samuel Greengard is a writer specializing in health, business and technology
and past president of the American Society of Journalists and Authors.
Widger Associates, Inc
** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Discover this great Health Information Site...
Are you aware that by going to www.shaklee.com you can click on the link at the top of the page called Health Information and discover information on numerous health problems?
When you arrive at this site, just simply go to the left side of the page and click on Health Conditions and select the subject you are interested in.
Please let us know if we can help you with more information about any of our supplements at: http://www.mgmsupplement.com
When you arrive at this site, just simply go to the left side of the page and click on Health Conditions and select the subject you are interested in.
Please let us know if we can help you with more information about any of our supplements at: http://www.mgmsupplement.com
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