Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Time- Tested Immune System Builder

By:Bob & Judy Robinson
We have been taking Shaklee's NUTRIFERON daily since it came out over two years ago and we have had NO COLDS, NO SNIFFLES, NO SORE THROATS, NO FLU, NOTHING since we started taking it. Luck?? Maybe helps the body build Interferon and it has over 40 years of research by eminent immunologists behind it.

We have been on crowded airplanes and airports numerous times, been in masses of people, taken preschool kids on field trips, spent countless hours in retirement homes and hospitals, eaten in lots of restaurants, and we have not picked up one contagious disease, infection, or nuisance. Luck???? We don't think so.

Just think of the potential economic impact of just this one product if contagious illness could be greatly reduced in schools, in industry, in the military, etc. Now, here's the kicker (In addition to all of the above): "By prompting the body's natural interferon production and increasing the activity of microphages and neutrophils, NUTRIFERON provides unsurpassed support for your immune system's most powerful frontline defenses. IT ALSO OPTIMIZES IMMUNE RESPONSE AGAINST ENVIRONMENTAL IRRITANTS AND AIRBORNE SUBSTANCES".

Find out more and Order this amazing Immune System Builder Online

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