For people who want to learn what others have done help their bodies to heal through good nutrition. Read testomonies, and about breakthrough new supplement combinations used to help the body heal itself.
This weekend as my wife and I were cleaning the house, I was thinking to myself about how thankful I am to have green cleaners in my house. Just take a look at how dangerous the regular old cleaners that you buy on the shelf of your local grocery store are.
According to a 15-year study presented at the Toronto Indoor Air Conference, women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than those who work away from home. The study concluded that this was a direct result of the increased exposure to toxic chemicals, many of which are found in common household products.
More than 9 out of every 10 suspected poison exposures occur at home with household products.
We use Get Clean™ products made by Shaklee at our house. When you use Get Clean™, you're never simply cleaning. While you make your home cleaner, you make your family healthier. You also make the planet healthier for other families as well. And if you think Get Clean works so great you tell others about it, imagine the ripples of change you can generate. And you got it by scouring the sink. Get Clean™ Starter Kit One of the nice things about using Get Clean is that once you get rid of all those undesirable cleaners you may have in your home, you won't have to replace them with 27 more. You'd have to spend more than $3,400 to get the same amount of clean.
100% Shaklee Guarantee. We stand behind each and every one of our products. The ingredients, purity, safety, and performance of all our Nutrition, Healthy Home, and Personal Care products are 100% guaranteed. And of course, Shaklee does not test its products on animals.
Going back or starting school increases exposure to new viruses which challenge immune coping skills. With the development of Shaklee’s new Incredivites, children’s immune enhancing multiple vitamin-mineral supplement,now is the time to prepare for the flu and cold season. Each Incredivites tablet contains 25 mg of lactoferrin. It is also present in healthy white blood cells and secreted by some pancreatic cells. Human colostrum has the highest concentration with human milk coming in a distant second. Cow’s milk has much lower lactoferrin content than human milk. Of course children over 12 (puberty) can benefit fully from taking Nutriferon™ on a daily basis.
Don’t forget to:
• get adequate sleep
• eat a nutritious breakfast
• wash hands 4 or more times per day
One way to minimize the spread through schools and prevent school closures is to have teachers and students wash their hands before meals and after recess. This has proven in states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota to be as or more effective than vaccination alone. Immunity Formula I provides the essential nutrients for a healthy immune system: Vitamin A, C, E, B6, B12, folic acid, copper, selenium, and zinc. 1 to 3 capsules each day can also be taken by children to strengthen the immune system.
At the first sign of a pending viral infection, cold or flu, children,(and adults) can chew, suck or swallow 1 to 3 Defend & Resistevery 3 hours until all symptoms cease. Defend and Resist is also called Shaklee DR
Dr. Brouse states that:
“Shaklee’s DR suppresses the cough reflex, soothes the throat, kills viruses in the throat, keeps virus cells from replicating, stimulates killer cells to rid the body of cancer cells, and contains a compound from larch that is only found in breast milk for the immune system.” When Dr. Brouse did testing on his own blood, Shaklee DR increased the mobility of his white blood cells within just a few hours of taking it!
One of the four ingredients in Shaklee DR is LARCH. It is even more powerful than Echinacea and stimulates the proliferation of immune fighter cells. It is specifically recommended by natural pediatricians for the treatment of inner ear infections because it boosts the immune system and inhibits and prevents the growth of bacteria that gets in and plugs up the Eustachian tube.
BE READY …. have a bottle on your shelf, and the minute you feel the symptoms of any bug coming on, hit it hard with Shaklee DR. Take six tablets per day for about 7 days. After 7 days, stop for 3 to 4 days. If your symptoms are not gone, follow with a second round of 7 days.
If you are not a Shaklee member yet and would like to obtain a discount on products please go to this website to join for product discounts.
Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend about what he was doing to prevent getting sick with all of this influenza going around. He stated that he was supplementing daily with a multi-vitamin and a fish oil caplet. I then asked him if he has noticed a difference since he started? He said, "Nope, but my friend takes this and she looks pretty good, so it must be good...."
This statement just kills me, because if you are taking a product and your not seeing any improvements, why would you think it is making you healthier? The fact is, a whole bunch of those vitamins that you find on the shelf at Wal-mart haven't been tested by their manufactures to see if it is actually doing the things that it claims on the bottle. And the funny thing is, this is legal. The federal government doesn't require these products to be tested before they are put on the shelf. So you may be buying a $8 bottle of fish-oil that could be contaminated with mercury. My point is, that you just don't really know what your getting, no one does, not even the manufacturer.
This is where shaklee is so much different. We back every product up with peer reviewed studies, over 80,000 quality control tests yearly and a money back guarantee.
Shaklee has created a perscription for a healthier life. Check it out... I guarantee you will be able to tell a difference.
Shaklee Vitalizer™— A Foundation for a Longer, Healthier Life* 80 bio-optimized nutrients clinically proven to create a foundation for a longer, healthier life.*
* High potency for supercharged vitality* * Powerful antioxidant protection against free radical damage* * Supports heart, brain, bone, joint, digestive, and immune health*
Vivix™—A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Cellular Anti-Aging* A revolutionary breakthrough in the fight against cellular aging.*
* Protects and repairs cellular DNA*† * Positively impacts genetic regulators*† * Promotes mitochondrial biogenesis*† * Slows AGE protein formation*†
Cinch®—Best Breakfast on the Planet A delicious and nutritious protein-rich meal with leucine to protect lean muscle mass.
* A complete, healthy, nutritious meal with 24 g of protein‡ and 6g of fiber * Includes leucine to preserve lean muscle mass which supports metabolism * Delicious way to help manage your weight
NutriFeron®—A Powerful Breakthrough in Immune System Science A powerful breakthrough in immune system science.*
Become a shaklee member and have the products automatically shipped to your door every month. You will save $68 on every purchase of the RX for a Healthier Life. If you don't like the products, send back the containers, empty or full, for a full refund...
"I am intensely passionate about health and have dedicated my professional life to informing and inspiring people about how to take responsibility for their health, rather than waiting for challenges to occur. Research confirms that nutrition, weight control, and wise supplementation can powerfully impact your vitality today and your future health. So I've written my "Rx for a Healthier Life," incorporating Shaklee products that I firmly believe give us the best chance to feel great today and be on the path to wellness. Be well!"
Jamie McManus, M.D. Chairman, Medical Affairs, Health Sciences & Education
Where do you buy your food supplements? The drug store? Maybe the supermarket? Perhaps the health food store? Or do you look for them online?
Most people reading this article buy their food supplements from Shaklee... and would never use any other! But in tough economic times, almost everyone looks for ways to save money... and that sometimes means cutting corners by finding alternatives that cost less. While economizing is a great idea and a habit worth developing, using a less expensive “alternative” product can be more costly than you think.
While some people may look at the thought posed above and wonder... Vivix? Or Vitalizer? Maybe NutriFeron? Perhaps Cinch? While definitely not the most pricey products on the market, these amazing supplements may seem costly. And it’s tempting to fall into the hype that another company can do it better... and cheaper. But don’t be fooled! While Shaklee supplements are not cheap, the most expensive supplement you’ll ever buy is... the supplement that doesn’t work! That’s never a concern when your supplement is Shaklee!
The high cost of low quality...
Most supplements are synthetically created in a lab with non-plant chemicals and are not as good for us as their makers would have us believe. In fact, the body quite often rejects them because it sees these chemicals as a foreign invaders.
Good supplements (like Shaklee) are more expensive because they are made from real plants... not chemicals. The body accepts them as food.
There’s a high cost for low quality. When it comes to supplements, that cost is... your health!