Friday, November 24, 2006

Green Tea Equals Long Healthy Life

Green tea has long been used in much of the world as a popular beverage and a respected medicinal agent. Early Chinese medical literature lists green tea as an agent to promote digestion, improve mental faculties, decrease flatulence and regulate body temperature. The earliest known record of use dates back to around 2700 B.C. Today, ceremonies, celebrations, relaxation time and ordinary meals usually consist of tea in most parts of the world, except where coffee has become the more popular beverage, like the United States.
Green tea has antioxidant properties. This means it has the ability to protect against oxidative damage to tissues and red blood cells. Though debated, it is important to note that some studies suggest that adding milk to green tea significantly decreases its antioxidant potential.

A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association investigated the role of green tea intake in all-cause and cause specific mortality. This study began with over 40,000 Japanese participants, all free from cardiovascular problems or cancer at baseline. The ages of these participants ranged from 40 to 79 years. They were followed up for 11 years relating to all-cause mortality and 7 years for disease-specific mortality. Over the 7 year follow up, 892 participants died from cardiovascular related diseases, and 1134 died due to cancer. The results showed that green tea intake was inversely associated to all-cause mortality as well as cardiovascular-related. The association was stronger in women than in men. Also, the strongest inverse association among cardiovascular diseases was seen in stroke. The authors concluded that, “Green tea consumption is associated with reduced mortality due to all causes and due to cardiovascular disease but not with reduced mortality due to cancer.

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