Monday, July 02, 2007

MGM Supplement: ADHD Testimony

ADHD vs MGM's Soy Protein

About 5 months ago, a mother who had just moved into town called me on the phone. They had bought their home from a faithful MGM Supplement user and were so impressed with how clean it was when they began to move in that she called the former owner to ask what kind of cleaners she had been using. The former owner told her it was MGM's and told her she needed to call their Shaklee Independent Distributor!

This mother called me up to find out how to buy the MGM Supplement's Cleaners cleaners. She came over to our office, signed up as a member, signed up for the 21 Tape program, and bought all the cleaners. She also started telling me about her 11 year old son. He is ADHD and she homeschools him. He had tremendous difficulty staying focused on his school work, and she would have to sit right there with him for about 6 hours every day to help him keep focused enough to make it through his each day's work.

They had taken him to all manner of doctors and specialists to find help.

I suggested he needed to start on at least the MGM's Soy Protein and shared with her the testimony of another local boy about the same age whose academic work had improved dramatically just by starting on the MGM Supplements protein.

She decided to give it a try on the basis of the money back guarantee and took home a can of the Cocoa Soy Protein. She gave him a serving that night and again the next morning for breakfast.

She called me up the next afternoon and was absolutely amazed at the difference she saw in his ability to focus on his work THAT VERY FIRST DAY! Her husband, who is a pharmacist at the local hospital, was also amazed.

Over the course of the next month, he showed steady improvement, and she had to spend less and less time each day sitting right with him to keep him focused. Finally, after a month or so, he told her one day that he felt he could concentrate and do better work if she wasn't sitting there distracting him!

The mother is thrilled, and father, mother, and son have all become big MGM Supplement users. The boy is now getting after his mother from time to time to make sure she too is drinking her MGM protein!

Testimony from Shaklee Independent Distributors Stan JoAnn Pulliam
Key Coordinators

Buy MGM Supplements Online

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