Sunday, May 03, 2009

Understanding Vitamin Deficiency

“Many people will get up before dawn to check the stock market, work until all hours of the night on a project for work or church...But they will not remember, or think it is important enough, to feed their own bodies.

Everyone wants to remain youthful and live for ever. But is a long life really the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you’re feeling vaguely unhealthy much of the time? And why do so many of us feel lousy when we still think of ourselves as young and vibrant? Two words: vitamin deficiency.

“You can’t get away without a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement,” says Dr. Hanley of the University of Calgary, “The ground is so depleted that not even the bugs can live in whole wheat anymore!” The simple fact of the matter is that our bodies are not getting what they need…and even if we were to suddenly adopt a diet that made us poster children for healthy living, without a multi-vitamin supplement, we will always remain vitamin deficient.

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1 comment:

Reyna said...

Really vitamin deficiency negatively effects our health system. I'm always prefer to use multi vitamin supplements available at GNC.