Wednesday, May 13, 2009

MGM Supplement:Your only as Young as you Feel

The following is a testimonial:

My Dad was VERY unhealthy in his sixties before Shaklee (MGM Supplement). Then Shaklee came along and my mother made sure he took generous servings daily for years. Dad is 90 years old now and still runs his lumberyard, sees his lady friend daily and is very sharp mentally.

When Vivix came along, my Dad did not think he needed it. I gave him the "talk" about the need for it and gave him the "talk" again several months in a row to convince him he needed it daily. Now he is absolutely convinced and takes it every day without fail. These are his results. By the way, Dad takes no medications at all, his health kit is Shaklee nutrition which he eats daily. His eyesight is better, his skin looks younger (many people think he is in his 60's as he really looks that young), his heart is stronger (he had a some irregularity in his heartbeat at his last checkup, his heart is beating stronger and with a more regular beat now), but the one that Dad is really thrilled about is the lack of pain in his stomach.

He lifted something quite heavy about five years ago and felt something tear. He had blood in his urine so visited the doctor and was checked with several tests and nothing could be found. But since that time he has had an uncomfortable feeling and he cannot lift anything very heavy, sometimes I think my Dad thinks he is 20 again. He was so excited to share with me a couple of weeks ago the pain is gone from whatever the problem was. He can lift again with no pain.

I write this as people seem to feel that past a certain age, improvement is impossible. Not so, Dad has proved that. ~Sondra

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Friday, May 08, 2009

MGM Supplement: Childrens Nutrition

Are your children getting all the nutrition that they need? MGM Supplement offers a childrens vitamin that your kids will love.

It's a proven fact that our current food supply, produced with modern farming technologies and chemicals that have depleted the nation's topsoil, delivers far fewer nutrients per pound than even 50 years ago. We may not suffer from rickets or scurvy, but lack of sufficient and consistent nutrients leaves us and our children open to disease and imbalance in our bodies' vital systems.

Lets give our kids all that they deserve...

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

MGM Supplement--When the Pain Gets to be Unbearable

It happens to everyone.--- You wake up in the morning, and your neck or back is just killing you. I know the feeling, and I have been told that is probably due to stress, lack of sleep, or just a lack of nutrition.

Stress is a constant in whatever lifestyle choice we lead. Some are high stress, some are low. My point is that stress is usually a variable that we just except and deal with. However, sometimes stress does effect our rest. For example, how many of us have had some expected event at work or in our life keep us up the night prior. No matter how hard we try, you just can't stop thinking about it.

Some of us might break down and take addictive over the counter sleep aids, or even just take a immune system diminishing dose of night time cold and flu medicine to take some of the edge off.

Well, I have a natural solution for you. Gentle Sleep Complex is a supplement with a natural blend of herbs that will do the job safely. It contains a complementary blend of herbs - Valerian, chamomile, and passion flower - that promotes calm and restful sleep. For centuries these herbs have been used safely for occasional sleeplessness.

Try some... You deserve safe, restful sleep.

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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

MGM Supplement: Making Changes

I attended a training two weeks ago. It was supposed to be a leadership training that is to sharpen my leadership skills. But, in the class the instructor spoke about stresses of any and all jobs and the choices you have.

For example, lets say that you have a boss or a supervisor that is very forceful, direct, tends not to listen, and you just really don't like working for. Every morning you dread getting out of bed and going to work to put up with the same old thing.

Sound familiar--

Believe it or not, you make that choice to put up with all the grief that your job may give you. There are so many opportunities out there, especially with the Internet. Now, I don't think it is right to just quit your job cold turkey and then try and start your own cash generating business. It does take some planning. Hopefully you can find time after your daily dreadful job to work on your own business. That's what I do...

Check it out, and join me if your interested.


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

MGM Supplement: Drinking Our Supper

Folks always talk about eating healthier, and focus on what to eat to lose weight. However, we rarely focus on what we drink. A study from North Carolina University found that on average Americans drink almost 450 calories a day. Multiply that by seven days of the week and you'll find that most of us drink about one pound of weight a week. Thirty years ago Americans drank half as many calories.

Now, my fist thought was, "Then I'll just drink diet soda instead." Even though there only about 5 calories in a diet soda, research has shown that drinking anything sweetened tends to give us a preference for sweetened beverages. So at the end of the day we unconsciously intake sweeter drinks and push the healthier beverages out of our diet.

In a small study, men and women who drank about 17 ounces of cold water after a meal temporarily experienced a 30 percent increase in the rate at which their bodies burned calories. The increased calorie burning was attributed to thermogenesis, a process by which the body burns calories for digestion purposes.

Please don't get me wrong, there are some individuals who need to take in a sweetened, high electrolyte beverages depending on how hard they work-out. For example; if you find it hard to concentrate, or feel like your going to be sick after exercising, you will feel better if you drink something sweet. Moderation is the key.

Buy MGM Supplements Online

Monday, May 04, 2009

MGM Supplement-- Give yourself the edge

Sometimes while I'm at work I notice that I seem to remember more details than other around me. That is almost funny, because I was never the type of person that could just sit through a class and absorb everything. I used to spend hours studying for finals or a mid-term exam.

For the last six to eight months I have been taking MGM Supplements Memory Optimizer. It really does seem to work. At work I catch the small details that can make a complex task easy. For example, the other day some co-workers and myself had to attend a class on a particular computer program. I had played around a little bit with the program, but really not that much compared to some of my other coworkers. When the class was over and we were back in the office, I was bombarded with questions like "do you remember how to do this" or "how do I get to this screen." It was really then, when I noticed that the memory optimizer must really be doing something.

Try some for yourself....

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Sunday, May 03, 2009

Understanding Vitamin Deficiency

“Many people will get up before dawn to check the stock market, work until all hours of the night on a project for work or church...But they will not remember, or think it is important enough, to feed their own bodies.

Everyone wants to remain youthful and live for ever. But is a long life really the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow if you’re feeling vaguely unhealthy much of the time? And why do so many of us feel lousy when we still think of ourselves as young and vibrant? Two words: vitamin deficiency.

“You can’t get away without a multiple vitamin and mineral supplement,” says Dr. Hanley of the University of Calgary, “The ground is so depleted that not even the bugs can live in whole wheat anymore!” The simple fact of the matter is that our bodies are not getting what they need…and even if we were to suddenly adopt a diet that made us poster children for healthy living, without a multi-vitamin supplement, we will always remain vitamin deficient.

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