Monday, June 13, 2005

Saw Palmetto Shrinks Enlarged Prostate Tissue

Dr. Frank Painter, Chiropractor, shares …

"I believe urologists may now consider saw palmetto a viable, natural alternative treatment for many men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)." WHY? At the annual meeting of the American Urological Association in Dallas, Texas, May 1999, an American double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of saw palmetto published in the March peer-reviewed journal, Urology, was a feature presentation. The randomized study showed reduction in BPH symptoms such as difficult urination, frequent urge to urinate, and incomplete emptying of the bladder. The study showed a significant reduction in prostate swelling, particularly on the epithelial tissue in the inner part of the prostate.

Dr. Painter recommends Shaklee's Saw Palmetto Complex to his male patients because of quality control assurance and guaranteed results. Men should expect to notice results in 4 to 8 weeks. (Shaklee Saw Palmetto Complex does NOT contain hexane, a common toxic chemical solvent used by many herbal companies to extract saw palmetto oil from the saw palmetto berry.)

Testimony ( thanks to barb hill ) :
I just wanted to let you hear of the results of the blood tests on my husband. Six months ago his PSA count was 4.7 and he was told to come back and have it checked in four months. He went back, but six months later and the test came back 2.3. I have been giving him Saw Palmetto Complex.

When I told the Dr. this, he said there had been not research done on the and it was probably working like a placebo. I told him that was impossible because I had been giving it to my husband without his even knowing. I also told him I did not care if there was no research done or anything else, but I could see the result in the tests.

He will not have to go back to the Dr. for a year for another test. Needless to say, my husband will continue taking Saw Palmetto Complex from Shaklee!

Order Shaklee Products online HERE

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