Thursday, September 09, 2004

Magnesium takes muscle pains away...

Magnesium has worked miracles for my husband. A year ago, he bought a cane because he could hardly walk any more. He was only 42 and moved like an old man. His back hurt, his knees and his feet. We tried many, many doctors and remedies with little or no success. While waiting in a chiropractor's office, he read an article about magnesium and noticed that he had a large number of the symptoms related to deficiency, including muscle pain, constipation and thickened toenails. We wondered if he was getting enough magnesium, even though he was taking the Cal-Mag.

My husband saw results from the magnesium almost immediately. The chiroprator was skeptical, but when she learned that it didn't give him loose bowels and he felt significantly better, she agreed that he really was suffering from a magnesium defeciency and his body seemed to have an higher need for it.

Today, he is pain-free as long as he continues to take the magnesium faithfully. His headaches are fewer, his toenails are growing out thinner and thinner, he wrestles with the kids and runs up stairs. Best of all, his cane is now just an addition to the costume trunk.

My husband takes about 450-600mg of magnesium per day along with his Cal-Mag. When he starts to get achy and tight, he knows he's forgotten to take it for a couple of days. Since discovering this, my father tried it, and his back pain went away, and my father-in-law told us that it made him feel much better as well.

This is such an easy fix. I wish we had known about it long ago. I say to anyone with pain, "Give it a go and see what happens." You'll know when you have enough, because it will begin to work like a laxative. If it doesn't, you'll know you need it.

Susan K


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