Monday, March 14, 2005

Howard Cartwright’s Cancer-Beating Story

Here is another Cancer testimonie...

A former Navy man, who spent years and years neutralizing bombs, Howard
realized at the age of 64 that something was wrong when he couldn’t walk up
a slight incline on a holiday and had to stop three times. He had been in
excellent health, so got to the doctor to figure out why.

Previous to thathis doctor had identified an inherited “rheumatoid factor” when his knees
were bothering him—and he refused meds and went to hike the Appalachian
Trail to cure his knees—over 600 miles of it! But now his hemoglobin was
incredibly low (6.9) when normal is 12-15.

Most of the tests came backnegative—they couldn’t figure out what was going on.
But he was bleeding somewhere. It took four units of blood for his color to come back—seven
days more to get his level up past danger. They finally figured out he had
malignancy in his duodenum (upper part of the small intestine).

His oncologist suggested drastic surgery (whipple procedure) that would remove
the cancer, part of the small intestine, and possibly parts of the gall
bladder, stomach, liver, pancreas, etc. He refused, because he knew he’d be
on pharmaceuticals for the rest of his life after that kind of surgery, and
he’d rather have the energy that he had without them. Lots of

He thought about going to the Mexico clinic. But he didn’t
want to leave the doctors he trusted. So he took the chemotherapy there
that destroyed the dividing cells. He believes he didn’t have the usual
symptoms of chemo (nausea, hair loss, etc.) because he took lots of
supplements and did other things right. All he noticed was that his nails
weren’t growing normally.

He did visualization. “This tumor is rapidly shrinking, and those forces to
make this continue are already in place.” He’d make a football shape with
his fingers, and close his fingers so the shape was gone every time he said
this in his mind. He really believes that thinking is the absolute key to
good health. Taking supplements will not prevent illness if your thinking
is unhealthy.

He juiced carrots, apples, spinach, broccoli, etc. and took in lots of
fluids continuously. He ate really healthy. He absolutely avoided beef,
processed sugars and flours—he didn’t take in anything that would not
enhance excellent metabolism. He drank lots of purified water.

These supplement amounts are not prescriptive for anyone else. He wants
that clear. There are the MINIMUM supplements he took daily:

9 Vita-Lea
30 beta-carotene [Carotomax is what we have now, and 2-3 beta-carotene=one
40 alfalfa
24 B-Complex
6 Herb-Lax
12 Cal-Mag
24 Vita-C
12 iron plus C (because blood is low in iron with chemo…your immune system
goes down hill)
9 Vita-E (400IU) caps
6 TBSP Liqui-Lea (also for iron)
12 zinc
9 lecithin
6 garlic
12 Formula I

Protein (It’s the essential nutrient in human metabolism, based on his
extensive studies. Rapid turnover of cells means there’s a big need for
Slim Plan

When they tested again in eight weeks, the tumor was gone!

Check these supplements listed above online at:

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