Friday, December 15, 2006

MGM Supplement: Are You Getting the Right Kind of Calcium?

Testimony: By T. Fowler

The Incredibly Superior Calcium Source

Recently, while running in the street near my son's house in Alabama, I blew out my left knee. I called my wife, Sharyn, in Florida, and told her what had happened and that I was going to limp home. I asked her to get me an appointment with the surgeon that had operated on my son, Craig. Craig had both knees done when he was a wrestler at Countryside High School in Clearwater, Florida, some 20 years earlier.

The following morning, I was at The Florida Knee and Orthopedic Center. First came the paperwork and X-rays, and then into the consultation room to wait for Dr. John Barrett. Dr. Barrett stepped through the door and went directly to my X-rays clipped up on the lighted viewing area. I was seated behind the door so he had not yet seen me.

His first words were, "I have a problem". My response was, "What's the problem Doctor?". Dr. Barrett said, "I'm looking at the X-ray of a 25 year old man and my chart says you are 60 years old- which is it?" I told him I was 60 years old. He turned around and said, "I'm sure you don't appreciatewhat this means. I was one of three doctors that perfected orthoscopic surgery. I have taught hundreds of Doctors, viewed thousands of X-rays and have never seen anything like this. Wait here, I am going to get one of my training manuals".

Dr. Barrett returned with a large ring-bound book filled with X-rays. The manual was divided into five-year intervals from child to centenarian and into categories of light, medium and heavy bone structures. He said they represented the averages of hundreds of X-rays, in each age group, of male and female skeletal structures. He opened the manual to "Medium Frame 60 Years Old" Male and removed the X-ray and placed it next to mine. He said to me, "Do they look the same?". My response was, "NO". Next, he flipped through the manual to "Medium Frame 25 Years Old", removed the X-ray, and placed it next to mine. He said to me, "Do they look the same?". I told him they looked identical.

Dr. Barrett said, "In all my years in Medical Practice, I have never seen anything close to this". He asked "How would you explain this?". I told him I have been eating MGM Food Supplements for 35 years and that includes eating 6 Calcium and Magnesium tablets every day. Frequently, I take Calcium Complex or Vita-Cal prior to bedtime for a more relaxed sleep or to calm an acid stomach. Dr. Barrett said, "This is incredible... don't change anything
you are doing!".

There are hundreds of companies promoting Calcium Supplements, but most do not do any research on the products they market. Most of these companies do not have even one researcher to staff a laboratory they, also, do not have. The Dairy Industry promotes its products for stronger teeth and bones. Calcium is added to cereal, bread and even to orange juice. Calcium is the most abundant "mineral" in our diet, yet the United States Government continues to report that calcium is the most common deficiency in our diet. That is because all calcium is not the same. What good is the calcium if it does not do what it is supposed to do?

All of the people whose X-rays were in Dr. Barrett's Manual chose their sources for their bodies' needs. It is very obvious to me, that I have chosen an incredibly superior source for my calcium... MGM Supplement!!
MGM Supplement is a Shaklee Distributor

Key Words: Shaklee Distributor, Calcium, Matt McAsey, Supplement

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