Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Facts about Calcium...Are you getting enough?

Do you experience any of these symptoms:
muscle spasm, leg cramps, joint pain, osteoporosis, arthritis, PMS, insomnia, irregular heart beat (arrythmia), headaches and irritability, poor teeth, restlessness, numbness or tingling in extremeties, backache, menstrual problems

You may have a Calcium deficiency!

Look at the nutritional benefits that Calcium offers:
helps build stronger bones and teeth, natural tranquilizer, promotes colon health, builds peak bone mass, prevents polyps and colon cancer, lowers blood pressure, reduces lead toxity, regulates hearbeat, protects heart, promotes resful sleep, essential for clotting of the blood, reduces PMS symptoms such as bloating, cramps, water retention, irritiability and moodiness

For information about MGM Supplement Calcium :

For clinically supported product information:

Not all calciums are the same - read about the difference:

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