Thursday, October 28, 2004

Natural Remedy for Childrens Ear Infection

What I've used with my children to avoid antibiotics for ear infections isto mince a garlic clove in olive oil. Warm it up and let it sit for awhile.Then put some of the oil (not garlic!) in a dropper and drop into theirears. You can re-warm it each time.

Good Bacteria is good for ear infections as well as Vitamin C. You can also buy homeopathic earache tablets almost anywhere(Hyland's) to help with the initial pain. The doctors have even told me that most ear infections clear up on their own.

Another thing I've done morerecently is take them to my chiropractor. He does a very simple tiny adjustment (if you can call it that) behind the ears that enables them to drain properly.

He said some infants tend to lean their head to one side oranother and you can feel a small lump or nodule behind their ear lobe(s). You just put a slight pressure on it a couple times, and voila!Anna

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