A Grean Clean Testimonial from a Stay-at-home Mom and Shaklee Distributor:
Since becoming a Mom in October of 2005, I've become extremely aware of the items I have in my home. We're told to protect our children from choking hazards, stairways and so on, but are we ever told to protect them from the chemicals we bring into our home through household cleaning and laundry products? I always thought if I bought the "fragrance free" laundry items it would be fine and I also thought my child isn't at risk because it doesn't matter what I'm cleaning with, just as long as he doesn't get into it. The fact of the matter is not only is he at risk, I'm also at risk. As a stay-at-home Mom I learned an interesting fact that made me think about the cleaners I have. This fact made me get rid of all the toxic cleaners I had in my home. Shakle* informed me that, women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than those who work away from home. This study concluded that this was a direct result of the increased exposure to toxic chemicals, many of which were found in common household products. I work at home as a homemaker; I fit in that job description. I have been a Shakle* user my entire life (started in the womb with my Mother) and it has taken me to be a Mom to really step back and think aboutwhat I'm doing in my world to make a difference for my family and the environment. With the Green Clean products I can feel safe and happy knowing that my family and I are not at risk to be exposed to toxic cleaners. Along with being non-toxic, they are also, natural, free of harsh chemicals and fumes, biodegradable, hypoallergenic, Earth friendly, not tested on animal and the kicker, the containers are recyclable as well as the dryer sheets. What makes me comfortable is that I can clean a bath tub and know that my son is safe from any harsh chemicals left behind. I can do laundry with the confidence that it's okay for him to suck on his blanket or roll around on his crib sheets. Because I know he is safe from invisible coatings or fumes leftbehind. I'm passionate about these products because not only are they safe for my family, but they are making a difference in the environment. My girlfriend, whom was a skeptic, tried the sample bottle of Basic H2 and has since then changed her mind and given it her own name. She calls it"magic spray". She uses it on everything, including the grime left on the back of her leather car seat from her sons tennis shoes. Everything else she tried didn't get it off, but her "magic spray" did! Green Clean is a solution for so many things, your family, your wallet, and the environment. Every household should be using the Green Clean products.Every time someone purchases a Green Clean starter kit they do the equivalent of planting 10 trees, among other great things. Oxygen is good! Thank you!
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