Saturday, February 03, 2007

MGM Supplement:What can you do about Homocystien Levels in your Blood?

Has your doctor already told you that an elevated homocysteine levels is responsible of 15% of heart attacks and strokes in the world today?

Things are clear. Homocystein is a major killer in the world today.

Every day we absorb large quantities of methionine(an essential amino-acid)when we eat milk,eggs,meat,cheese,white flour etc...

When our body metabolizes methionine,homocysteine is produced. Then,homocystein will be breakdown and convert into cysteine or back to methionine again.

And for this process,folic acid,vitamin B 12 and vitamin B 6 are necessary.

So,what happens if you are deficient in these nutrients ? Homocysteine levels in your blood begin to rise. This explains why more than half people who suffer heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels.

In fact,Homocysteine provides zero health benefit.The higher its level in the blood,the greater the risk of cardiovascular disease.The lower this level,the better.

But the question is:how to lower the elevated homocysteine levels?

One side of the answer is to become careful with the amount of methionine in your diet.You must avoid consuming too much meat and dairy products.

Just replace these foods by fruits,vegetables and vegetables protein.Doing this,you get another benefit:you avoid food with saturated fat and cholesterol.These are the same.

The other side of the answer is to take enough folic acid,vitamin B 12,vitamin B 6 necessary to breakdown homocysteine in cystein and methionine.

It is recommended to take 50 to 150 mcg of vitamin B 12 ,20 to 50 mg of vitamin B 6,400 to 800 mcg of folic acid daily and check regularly your homocysteine blood level.

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Key Words: MGM Supplement, Vitamin B, Supplement, Nutrition, Guarantee

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