Tuesday, February 06, 2007

MGM Supplement: Wonderful Testimony About How These Products Can Change Your Life

A little over a year ago I was unable to focus and was having trouble with my memory. I had no energy and all I did was sleep. I was stressed and exhausted so in order to get going in the morning, I drank coffee...lots of coffee. I was too tired to make a healthy meal for lunch so I ate fast food. For my afternoon break at work, I ate chocolate candy giving me more caffeine and sugar to run on. When I got home from work, I took a two to three hour nap every day. I got up just long enough to make dinner for my husband. Immediately after dinner, I went to bed and the next day was just like the last. I had deteriorated to the point that was unable to write my own name. I quit my job. I was afraid to tell anyone what was happening to me. My father passed away from Alzheimer's Disease so while I wasn't sure what was wrong with me, I assumed that I had gotten it as well only at a much earlier age. I figured I'd have to start taking the prescription drug Aricept, which is often prescribed for those with Alzheimer's.

Thankfully, my sister, Karen R., started a MGM Supplement Business and insisted that I try some of the basic nutrition products. I started on MGM Basics and Stress Relief Vitamins. After a few short months, I began to feel better. I added Mood Lift vitamins and I felt even better! I was a new person less than 6 months after getting started on MGM products. I felt better than I had in years. I was able to concentrate again and my memory and ability to focus improved greatly. I had no idea that good, basic nutrition was so important. Apparently I was completely malnourished. The food I was eating was not giving me what I needed. MGM products gave my body exactly what it needed. Because the nutrition products helped me so much, I decided to start a MGM Supplement Business! Feeling better and functioning better helped me regain my confidence.

I decided that as soon as the Weight Loss Plan was available, I would get started on it. I am vertically challenged...just over 5 feet tall and like many people I gained a few pounds each year as I aged. A few pounds each year for a few decades turns into 25 pounds and that's a significant weight problem when you're not very tall. I got started on the Weight Loss Plan as soon as it was available. In fact, I ordered it at the 50th Annual Convention! I love all of the Weight loss products. They are delicious and the system is simple and easy to follow.

I am happy to report that I am at my goal weight and have lost 25 pounds and 27 inches! I feel and look better than I have for years! I feel attractive again and my confidence is at an all time high! I'm smiling a lot! I'm wearing my skinny jeans again and even they're getting baggy! I love the weight loss plan and MGM Supplements!

I am extremely grateful to my sister for insisting that I try MGM products and I am extremely grateful to MGM Supplement for being the wonderful company that it is. It sounds a bit extreme but I'm going to say it anyway because it's true...MGM Supplement saved my life!

I love MGM Supplements and their weight loss plan!

The New S. Mitchell

MGM Supplement is a Shaklee Distributor!!

Key Words: MGM Supplement, Testimony, Weight Loss, Memory Loss, Nutrition

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