Monday, March 12, 2007

MGM Supplement: A Must For Your First Aid Kit

Mentholated Multipurpose Cream

MGM Supplement makes this wonderful cream that has some absolutely astonishing healing abilities. I'm what some of my family have called "accident prone." Now, I'm not proud of the fact that I have to make trips to the ER more often than most. But I have found a product that works great on sores, cuts, or aches. The cream is a Multi Purpose herbal blended mentholated cream and from some of the testimonies that I have heard this stuff has tremendous healing capabilities. Not only can it do the three things listed above, but I've heard about it even curing warts. That's right I didn't miss spell the above. Apparently if you apply the cream to the wart a few times a day for several weeks the wart will eventually dry up and fall off. Now I haven't experienced this myself but I know that this cream is really good for your skin because of it's natural healing properties.

Here are a few of the things Multi Purpose Herbal Mentholated Cream can do...
  • FACE…..for acne, skin rashes, pimples, blackheads, sunburn
  • LIPS…..for chapped, dry lips, canker sores, cracks at corners of the mouth, cold sores
  • HAIR….for dandruff, head sores, scaly spots on scalp, perm burns
  • BACK….for backaches and tightness in neck
  • HANDS….for chapped, dry hands, warts, rashes, detergent burns, cuticles, hangnails
  • FEET….for athletes' foot, planters' warts, warts, corns, calluses, rashes, foot cramps, tired aching feet, bruises, blisters
  • LEGS….for charley horses, cramps, aching muscles, dry skin, rashes, cuts, bruises
  • BOTTOMS….for diaper rash, hemorrhoids, vaginal infections
    SHAVING CREAM….Add some water to cream. Gives clean, smooth, cool shave
  • PSORIASIS….Relieves redness, itching and inflammation - "I cured seeping Psoriasis on our son's scalp when he was about 20 years old, by having him wash his head each night with Basi*-H and every morning I rubbed Herbal Blend Multi-Purpose Cream on his scalp…IT WORKED!! For a long time he continued to bathe and wash his head in Basi*-H. Now the family all uses MGM Supplement [Shampoo and Conditioner]".
  • HOT PEPPER HANDS….Relieves burning and soreness caused by hot peppers.
  • HEADACHES….Rub on temples and forehead. Helps relieve ache.
  • DIAPER RASH….Has eliminated this problem in many infants. Shaklee deodorant cream also works great!
  • ACNE….Wash with Basic-H and apply cream. Amazing results
  • WARTS….Has a tremendous healing effect and you can eliminate warts if you apply Herbal Blend to the area twice a day CONSISTENTLY!! It may take several weeks but eventually you will notice a separation around the perimeter of the wart and it will fall off leaving a crater like hole in the skin. Keep applying the Herbal Blend and the area will heal and fill in with new tissue.
  • CHICKEN POX….Applied at onset, pox marks heal quickly and disappear.

The above are not product claims…rather they are results that some people have experienced!

It is important for people to understand that because there are so many different herbal and botanical ingredients in this terrific product, it has dozens and dozens of uses, in the same way that our Basi*-H household cleaner has dozens and dozens of uses. Hence the name-- Multi-Purpose cream.

Buy Mentholated Multi-Purpose Cream Online

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