Saturday, January 13, 2007

MGM Supplement: Allergies Have Met Their Match

Testimony From Tim B.

I just wanted to write and tell you a story I thought you might enjoy, and one you can use when you speak to people about MGM Supplement. As you know I have been using MGM products since I was very young. I'd say I was around 8 or 9 when my folks started as MGM Supplement Distributors. Even back then I remember the quality of MGM Supplement products making a difference. There was a time I got stung by bees in three spots. When I was bit my face swelled up. I can remember my parents giving me Alfalfa and the swelling went down pretty quickly.

As I got older I sort of drifted away from the MGM products. Convenience replaced quality and I fell into the trap so many of us can from time to time. I had also been told by allergists that it was easier to tell me what I was NOT allergic to than what I was. So I resigned a life to taking prescription medications, allergy shots that would make me sick, and nasal sprays that were awful. I forgot how awesome MGM Supplement products were... and still are. Then not too long ago I decided to get cats. Now.. I know what your thinking,"He's allergic to everything... surely cats are on the list!", and you'd be right. But this time I remembered the alfalfa. And I remembered reading info about Nutriferon. So.. I went online. Ordered my stuff. I got the cats. I got my product and started taking it. Then I waited to see what would happen. And here's the best part.... Nothing happened!! No sneezing... no runny nose... no feeling miserable because cats are around. No more prescription medications that had nasty side effects! Nothing. I can actually live in a house with cats and not have an allergic reaction.

It's amazing to say the least. I don't get that lethargic feeling the medications would cause. I have more energy. I sleep better. I'll never drift away from my MGM supplements again. They mean too much to me now that I am remembering how incredible they are. Get this.. the only times I feel my allergies kick back up is when I forget to take my Alfalfa and Nutriferon!

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Key Words: Shaklee Distributor, Allergies, Matt McAsey, Supplements

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