For people who want to learn what others have done help their bodies to heal through good nutrition. Read testomonies, and about breakthrough new supplement combinations used to help the body heal itself.
Monday, July 09, 2007
MGM Supplement: Strengthen your heart!
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supports energy production in your cells. Studies show that as we age we have less and less of it in our body. CoQ10 is especially important to heart health. A healthy heart, which never stops to rest, relies on CoQ10's energy support.*The uniqueness of Shakl** CoQ10 comes from its highly bioavailable delivery. Your body more readily accepts the softgel delivery form used in CoQ10 than it does solid powders. So you can get more out of your supplement. Also included in CoQ10's combination of ingredients is the powerful antioxidant resveratrol - believed to be the most beneficial antioxidant compound in red wine.* CoQ10 contains 640 mcg of resveratrol, equivalent to the amount of resveratrol in one glass of red wine.
Buy CoQ10 and other supplements at MGMSupplement
MGM Supplement: Help your body store Vitamin C
All-Natural Time Released Vitamin C:
As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C is a do-everything kind of nutrient, supporting heart health, immune health, and more. But important as it is, our bodies can't store it. To make it available, we need it at regular intervals. Shakl** Time Released Vitamin C was the first C on the market to offer natural plant extracts. Hour after hour, Vitamin C is clinically proven to perform.
Buy Time Released Vitamin C and other supplements at MGMSupplement
MGM Supplement: Reducing the risk of Osteoporosis
Because Drinking Milk Isn't Enough
Osteoporosis. It's responsible for 1.5 million bone fractures every year. Do your hips (and all of your other body parts) a favor by slowing down the natural decline in bone mass that happens as we age.
Chewable Calcium provides 1,000 mg of elemental calcium to help build bones and optimize peak bone mass, maintain bone density, and slow bone breakdown, reducing the risk of osteoporosis later in life. And its chewable, tasty berry formula makes it easy to add this unique combination of nutrients and trace elements to your daily regimen. For those with a preference, this formula does not contain vitamin K.
Buy Chewable Calcium and other supplements at MGMSupplement
MGM Supplment: Reduce the risk of Osteoporosis
Clinically Proven Absorption - Helps reduce the risk of Osteoporosis*
Protect Your Bones with Calcium. You need more than just calcium to build strong bones. Calcium provides a unique matrix of critical nutrients including calcium, vitamins D & K, magnesium, and more to build and maintain strong bones. It's clinically proven to increase calcium absorption, and its small, coated caplets are easy to swallow.
Buy Calcium and other supplements at MGMSupplement
MGM Supplement: Natural Antioxiants for Maximum Health
Maximum Protection, Maximum Health
The most powerful carotenoid antioxidants available are now within your reach!
MGM's Natural Beta Carotene is a rare blend of alpha-carotene, astaxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin delivering of a broad spectrum of carotenoids.
Taken every day, MGM's Natural Beta Carotene:
-Offers six of the most powerful carotenoids available
-Provides the most important antioxidants, targeting specific areas of the body*
-Promotes cell health and supports against free radical damage
For the best, most complete antioxidant protection, take both Flavonoid and Natural Beta Carotene.
Take one softgel daily.
Key Ingredients
Vitamin A, Lutein, Lycopene, Beta Carotene, Astaxanthin, Zeaxanthin, Carotenoids
Buy MGM's Natural Beta Carotene and other supplements at MGMSupplement
MGM Supplement: Healthy Babies
MGM Supplement's patented B-Compound - with all eight Bs - promotes a healthy cardiovascular system. And what makes this MGM Supplement product unique is that it's formulated so that the hard-to-absorb but critical B vitamin, called folic acid, is readily absorbed.
Plus, adequate amounts of folic acid in healthful diets have been shown to reduce woman's risk of having a child with brain or spinal cord birth defects.
Buy B Compound and other supplements at MGM Supplement
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
MGM Supplement: Hazardous Conventional Dryer Sheets
Did you know that in the emergency room there is an actual term for the rash caused by typical dryer sheets known as "Bounce Blush"?
Natural Health Magazine this month features a small blurb on the dryer sheets mentioned on Oprah: Conventional dryer sheets coat clothes with wax and perfumes and are slow to break down once they're discarded. MGM Supplement's Green Clean Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets are veggie-based, fragrance free, biodegradable and recyclable.
Another hazard to the waxy build up from dryer sheets is residue on the lint screen that can actually cause fires! Comments from our local home inspector can be found here:
Monday, July 02, 2007
MGM Supplement: Osteoporosis
Bones give us strength, but are the foundation of our stature; they anchor our muscles in place and protect our vital organs. Our bones are a living organ, constantly being built up and broken down as are other organs in the body. Even though signs of bone breakdown don?t appear until our later years, maintaining the strength and integrity of our bones to prevent osteoporosis is a lifelong process?one that is never too early to begin.
Often referred to as the silent disease, osteoporosis is a debilitating disease in which bones become fragile and are more likely to break. Often there no warning signs, no symptoms until a bone fracture occurs. In fact, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, each year in the U.S. this disease leads to 1.5 million fractures and osteoporosis affects more than 28 million Americans, 10 million who know they have the disease and another 18 million with low bone mass, placing them at increased risk. Although this disease can affect both men and women, it tends to be more common in women. This is because women generally have less bone mass than men, tend to live longer than men, tend to get less dietary calcium and need the hormone estrogen to keep their bones strong. But, men please be aware that 25% of all cases of osteoporosis are in men, although the risk factors are a bit different.
In addition to being female, there are other important risk factors to be aware of, like small, thin body stature; family history of osteoporosis; early menopause; having (or having a history of) an eating disorder; low calcium intake; lack of weight-bearing exercise; smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Chronic usage of steroid hormones is another big risk factor, for both men and women. Osteoporosis in males tends to be associated with excessive alcohol usage and the resultant liver disease as well as other chronic intestinal disorders. So if any of these risk factors apply to you, you?re at risk for osteoporosis and building and maintaining strong bones should be an integral part of your lifelong health. Taking steps to keep your bones strong and healthy will also ensure your independence as you age. Some of the most important steps you can take now are to get plenty of calcium and other bone health nutrients, exercise regularly, don?t smoke and limit alcohol consumption.
Calcium and Other Bone Health Nutrients
Most women know that getting an adequate amount of dietary calcium is important for reducing the risk of osteoporosis. However, many may not know that to maximize bone health, adequate calcium intake needs to occur throughout life and the amount of calcium you need to stay healthy changes over the course of your lifetime. Your body's need for calcium is greatest during childhood and adolescence when your skeleton is growing rapidly. Many women do not get the amount of calcium needed when they are young and therefore don't maximize their peak bone mass. Your need for calcium increases again during pregnancy and breastfeeding to ensure you're meeting the needs of your growing infant without compromising your own calcium needs. Then due to hormonal changes that come along with menopause, calcium needs increase again.
How much calcium do you need? Well during the adolescent years, young girls (and boys) should get 1300 mg a day. During your childbearing years 1000-1200 mg is recommended and after menopause women should ideally get 1200 -1500 mg a day. Men should consume 800 mg per day ages 18-50 and 1000 mg per day after age 50. To meet your calcium needs throughout life, start by improving your diet and choosing calcium rich foods every day. Low fat dairy products are always a good choice, but so are other foods like calcium-fortified soy protein, almonds, broccoli, cooked kale, canned salmon with the bones and tofu. And if you find it hard to get enough calcium from your diet, calcium supplements are a must.
Look for a calcium supplement with a minimum of 1000 mg of elemental calcium from highly bioavailable sources like calcium carbonate and calcium citrate. And don?t forget that getting enough vitamin D is just as important as getting adequate amounts of calcium. Not only does vitamin D improve bone health by helping with calcium absorption but it may also improve muscle strength and protect against certain types of cancers. Although most people get vitamin D from sunlight exposure, this may not be a good source if you live in parts of the country that get less sunlight, you are housebound or you regularly use sunscreen to reduce the risk of skin cancer (which we all should do). Drinking milk and eating other dairy products fortified with vitamin D will help boost your intake, but taking a calcium supplement with added vitamin D is also a great way to optimize your vitamin D intake. The recommended dietary intake for vitamin D is 400 IU (International Units) a day, but both men and women over the age of 65 should get twice that much (800 IU a day) and some researchers recommended even higher intake levels for optimal health.
Other essential nutrients support bone health. For example, the essential mineral magnesium appears to enhance bone strength. Although magnesium is found in foods like dark leafy green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and even chocolate, food consumption surveys show that 80% of Americans don?t get enough magnesium from their diets. The trace minerals zinc, copper, manganese and boron are also important because they assist with the development of optimal bone matrix or structure needed for proper bone strength. Eating a diet rich in plant foods ? whole grains, beans, and nuts can boost your intake of these essential minerals and supplementing your diet with dietary supplements containing these trace minerals is a wise choice.
In addition, protein and calcium can work synergistically on bone, despite the long-held belief that eating animal protein increases the risk of osteoporosis. Increasing evidence suggests that a diet adequate in protein, either of plant or animal origin, protects against osteoporosis in men and women. And research on diets rich in soy isoflavones has shown long-term bone-sparing effects but the magnitude of the effect is presently unclear. These estrogen-like plant compounds may help maintain bone density and offset bone loss that occurs during the menopausal years when estrogen levels drop. Further research is needed to clarify the conditions where soy isoflavones may be helpful in retaining bone mineral density or lowering fracture risk.
Some nutrients consumed in high levels are not so good for your bones. Excessive amounts of vitamin A appear to trigger an increase in osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone, but note that this only occurs with pre-formed vitamin A or retinol, and adverse effects in bone have not been linked to beta-carotene.
Exercise Regularly
Like muscle, bone is living tissue and responds to exercise by getting stronger. Not only does exercise improve your bone health, it increases muscle strength, coordination and balance and leads to better overall health. If you exercise when you?re young it helps build bone mass (increases bone density and strength) which in turn can prevent bone loss as you age. The best exercise for bone health is the weight-bearing kind. Activities that force you to work against gravity include lifting weights, walking, hiking, jogging, dancing and playing tennis. Although great for cardiovascular fitness, exercises like swimming and cycling are not weight bearing and, therefore not the best ways to exercise your bones. Learning how to stretch properly, strengthen muscles safely and correct poor posture habits can also be helpful. Ideally, you should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week. If you're over age 40, have other health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure or obesity always check with your doctor before beginning a regular exercise program. If you have osteoporosis, be sure to ask your doctor about which activities are safe for you.
Don't Smoke
Cigarette smoking was first identified as a risk factor for osteoporosis more than 20 years ago. Although not all studies indicate that smoking increases the risk of bone fractures we do know that the longer and the more cigarettes you smoke, the greater your risk of fracture in old age. Smokers who do have a bone fracture may take longer to heal than non-smokers and are more likely to develop complications during the healing process. Significant bone loss has also been found in older women and men who smoke and at least one study suggests that exposure to second hand smoke during childhood and the early adult years may increase the risk of developing low bone mass. The good news? Quitting smoking may reduce the risk of low bone mass and fractures after several years of being smoke-free.
Limit Alcohol Consumption
Chronic alcohol consumption (more than 2 drinks a day) has been linked to an increase in fractures of the hip, spine and wrist. That?s because drinking too much alcohol interferes with the balance of calcium in the body. It also affects the production of hormones which protect bone and of vitamins which we need to absorb calcium. Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to more falls increasing the risk of breaking a bone during those falls.
Be Good To Your Bones
Although osteoporosis is a serious and debilitating disease, it's never too early or too late to improve your bone health. If you are over age 60, or have more than 3 risk factors, you should ask your doctor about getting a bone density test. They're safe, quick and painless. If you think your diet is falling short of bone health nutrients, try improving your food choices and choosing a dietary supplement with key bone support nutrients. Look for a supplement with 100% of the RDA for calcium, vitamin D and magnesium plus other trace minerals like manganese, zinc, copper, and boron. Start a weight training program, go dancing, or engage in other weight-bearing activities. And, if your lifestyle involves less healthy behaviors like excessive drinking or smoking, work on cutting back your alcohol intake and talk to your doctor about a smoking cessation program today!
Be well.
Dr. Jamie McManus MD, FAAFPChairman, Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education
MGM Supplement'sCalcium is a wonderfully balanced Calcium supplement...and from 3 sources of calcium that are quickly absorbed and assimilated into the body.
Buy a Calcium supplement and other supplements at MGM Supplement today!
MGM Supplement: Interferon - Shielding your body against Infection
The immune system serves as your body's natural shield against infection. A wondrously complex and multi-layered system, it was designed to protect you from potential invaders, including viruses, bacteria, and allergens. Your immune system is also able to recognize dangerous changes in your cells and destroy these potential pre-cancerous cells. Part of this protection includes the production of interferon.Interferon is activated by the immune system when a virus attacks a cell. Interferon serves two important functions. It signals neighboring cells and triggers their resistance mechanisms, and it activates other immune cells that kill invading pathogens. Interferon is essential to the immune system and helps protect us from the daily exposure to millions of germs that can lead to serious infection.
MGM Supplement's Natural Immune Booster boosts the body's ability to build interferon...great for young & old alike!
Buy Natural Immune Booster and other supplements online at MGM Supplement
MGM Supplement: Keep up with your Fiber
The Fiber You Need On a "Regular" Basis
Let's face it: We don't always do what's best for us. While the FDA recommends that we eat 25 grams of fiber a day for a 2,000 calorie diet, most Americans typically consume half of that amount. And yet the benefits are clear: a healthier colon as well as better digestion and regularity.* So how can you get the fiber you need on a "regular" basis? Each serving of MGM Fiber Supplements provides 3 grams of dietary fiber with just 5 calories - making it simple to do what's good for you.
5 tablets with full glass of water at mealtime to add extra fiber to your diet.
Fiber Supplement Daily Crunch * 15.8 oz. / 30 servings
The Fiber You Need, the Taste You Enjoy
It sounds too good to be true. A supplement that promotes both heart and colon health while aiding good digestion and regularity - and it tastes good, too! The natural soluble fiber in MGM Supplement Fiber Supplement Daily Crunch helps retain normal cholesterol levels by binding to cholesterol so it can't be absorbed. At the same time, the insoluble fiber aids colon health by assisting digestion and promoting regularity. Its tasty, crunchy formula packs a high-fiber punch with 5 grams per serving.*
One serving (1/4 cup) adds 5 grams of dietary fiber to your diet. Can be sprinkled on yogurts, fruits, cereals, soups, and salads, added to your favorite bread, muffin and other recipes, or eaten right from the container with a favorite drink. This product contains psyllium which can cause allergic reactions.
MGM Fiber Supplement Unflavored *10.6 ounces / 60 servings
Cholesterol Buster*
A diet high in fiber (25 grams a day) helps keep cholesterol levels where they should be. Americans typically eat only half of what's recommended. Clinical studies show MGM Fiber Supplement has a proprietary blend of four natural soluble fibers, including psyllium seed husk, which binds to cholesterol, preventing its absorption, thereby helping retain normal cholesterol levels. Two teaspoons of MGM Fiber Supplement contain 4 grams of dietary fiber.
Mix 2 teaspoons with 8 fluid ounces of orange juice, other fruit juices, or your favorite MGM drink product. Stir briskly until dissolved and drink immediately. Or stir in any flavor of nonfat yogurt. Store in a cool, dry place. Ingredients: Psyllium husk, pectin, guar gum, locust bean gum, maltodextrin, ascorbic acid. This product contains psyllium, which can cause allergic reactions.
* If your diet is low in fiber, increase fiber gradually to avoid minor gas or bloating sometimes associated with high fiber intake. If these conditions do occur, simply reduce the amount you consume until the symptoms subside and then gradually increase your consumption again.
Buy Fiber Supplement Tablets and other supplements online at MGM Supplement
MGM Supplement: Put an end to Stains!
My grand-daughter had a marker pen break on her this morning, getting ink all over her top and pants. I took a wet corner of a terry cloth towel, and then put one swipe of Scrub 0ff on it, and all the ink came off her top and pants, as well as her hands. Earlier, my grand-son got a black permanent ink marker and marked all over the wall paper going up the stairs and then in some places on the walls upstairs. Again Scub 0ff took it off. This is a product that no home should be without. By the way, it also works well on the stove. --Glinda
Scrub 0ff's natural abrasives and biodegradable cleaning agents are so effective at cleaning the toughest dried-on splatters and spills, burned on grease, baked-on food and sticky messes, all without hazardous chemicals or toxic fumes. It's just one of the many amazing products you'll find in the Green Clean Starter Kit.
Buy cleaning products and supplements at MGM Supplement
Natural VS. Synthetic Vitamins
by Frank M. Painter, D.C.
I get many questions from my patients, and from the field, regarding the "difference" between vitamins. There are really only 3 types of vitamins:
1. Synthetic: These are the kind you get from Walgreens. Open the cap and smell them--- YUCK!...they smell just like what they are made from---coal tar, the same sludge you'd find in the bottom of a barrel of oil. Oil is a great (and cheap) source for the carbon atoms which make up all organic (living) matter.
2. Natural: This is the kind of vitamin that you'd find in the "health food" store. By FDA regulations, they are required to have a certain percentage of the product (like 25%) come from a "natural" (or plant) source The rest of the product can be a filler, from sawdust, to who knows what!
There's a lot of pressure on the FDA to tighten up the standards of regulation, and I'm thrilled! When that happens, many of the suppliers will disappear, because they won't be able to compete with the premium grade suppliers. My sister Anne showed me a bottle of Ginseng she bought...100 tablets for $2.98 I'd love to see the assay on that bottle!
3. Whole Food: This is the product that Shakl** produces. Rather than selling ascorbic acid, and passing it off as Vitamin C, they have found a way to put everything that you'd find in the orange into their vitamin. The natural orange has ascorbic acid, and also includes the bioflavonoid complex, and "rose hips".
The next question is usually based on some comment they heard (from a reliable source) that 'synthetic vitamins are just as good as "natural"
vitamins' I don't want to get into a prolonged discussion about biochemical properties, electron spins and stereo-isomers. Suffice it to say that, generations lived on this planet eating plants and vegetables. This is still the best source of our nutrition. It's almost impossible to eat the number of servings suggested by the "food guide pyramid". Surveys suggest that only 4% of Americans actually eat that way! And, all that food only supplies you with enough vitamins to prevent a completely healthy person from getting a "deficit" disease like the "rickets". It's NOT enough for a healthy growing child, pregnant woman or an unhealthy anybody!'s an abstract on Vitamin E, which showed that "natural" Vitamin E was twice as available to the body as synthetic Vitamin E was. I will continue to add other abstracts about the superiority of food-based vitamins as I am able to find them!
Human plasma and tissue alpha-tocopherol concentrations in response to supplementation with deuterated natural and synthetic vitamin E American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1998; 67: 669-684
We report a comparison of natural and synthetic vitamin E in humans using deuterium labeling to permit the two forms of vitamin E to be measured independently in plasma and tissues of each subject. Differences in natural and synthetic vitamin E concentrations were measured directly under equal dosage conditions using an equimolar mixture of deuterated RRR-alpha- tocopheryl acetate and all-rac-alpha-tocopheryl acetate. Two groups of five adults took 30 mg of the mixture as a single dose and as eight consecutive daily doses, respectively. After a 1-mo interval the schedule was repeated but with a 10- fold higher dose (ie, 300 mg). In each case, the ratio of plasma d3-RRR- alpha-tocopherol to d6-all-rac-alpha-tocopherol (RRR:rac) increased from approximately 1.5-1.8 to approximately 2 after dosing ended.
In an elective surgery study in which 22 patients were given 150 mg/d for up to 41 d before surgery, the RRR:rac in tissues was lower than in plasma and the percentage of deuterated alpha-tocopherol was lower in all tissues except gallbladder and liver.
In a terminally ill patient given 30 mg/d for 361 d, plasma and tissue (x+/-SD) RRR-rac ratios (and % deuterated alpha-tocopherol) at autopsy were 2.06 (6.3%) and 1.71+/- 0.24 (5.9+/-2.2%), respectively.
In a second terminally ill patient given 300 mg/d for 615 d, the corresponding values were 2.11 (68%) and 2.01+/-0.17 (65+/-10%), respectively.
The results indicated that natural vitamin E has roughly twice the availability of synthetic vitamin E. This 2:1 ratio is significantly higher than the currently accepted RRR:rac of 1.36:1.00.
Gamma-Tocopherol, expressed as a fraction of total unlabeled tocopherols in 15 elective surgery patients, was 1.4-4.6 (mean: 2.6) times greater in adipose tissue, muscle, skin, and vein than in plasma, which is a substantially larger fraction than had been recognized previously.
Buy supplements and other health products at MGM Supplement
MGM Supplements: Hinder prostate cancer development
Fight Alzheimer's disease: Researchers at Loma Linda University found that mice who drank pomegranate juice experienced 50 percent less brain degeneration than animals that consumed only sugar water. The pomegranate drinkers also did better in mazes and tests as they aged.
Guard your arteries: A group of diabetics who drank about 2 ounces of pomegranate juice a day for 3 months kept their bodies from absorbing bad cholesterol into their immune system cells (a major contributing factor to hardened arteries), discovered Israeli researchers.
Click here: Diet & Fitness: Diet Basics from Superfoods: The Next Frontier - AOL Diet & Fitness
Green tea polyphenols thwart prostate cancer development at multiple levels
PHILADELPHIA ? The polyphenols present in green tea help prevent the spread of prostate cancer by targeting molecular pathways that shut down the proliferation and spread of tumor cells, as well as inhibiting the growth of tumor nurturing blood vessels, according to research published in the December 1 issue of Cancer Research.
A team of researchers from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, documented the role of green tea polyphenols (GTP) in modulating the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1)-driven molecular pathway in prostate tumor cells in a mouse model for human prostate cancer.
"Consumption of GTP led to reduced levels of IGF-1," said Hasan Mukhtar, Ph.D., Department of Dermatology at the University of Wisconsin, the senior author of the paper.
"GTP also led to increased levels of one of the binding proteins for IGF-1, the insulin growth factor binding protein-3. These observations bear significance in light of studies that indicate increased levels of IGF-1 are associated with increased risk of several cancers, such as prostate, breast, lung and colon."
GTP modulation of cell growth via the IGF-1 axis coincides with limited production or phosphorylation of key cell survival proteins, including PI3K, Akt and Erk1/2, the research indicated. The PI3K molecular pathway in cells, which includes Akt and Erk1/2, works to promote cell survival, rather than programmed cell death, also known as apoptosis.
GTP also caused reduced expression of proteins known to be associated with the metastatic spread of cancer cells. GTP inhibited the levels of urokinase plasminogen activator as well as matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9, cellular molecules linked to the metastasis.
The green tea polyphenols contributed to minimizing tumor development by governing the amount of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the serum of the prostate cancer mouse model. The reduction of VEGF may result from GTP-induced suppression of IGF-1 levels. VEGF functions to recruit and develop new blood vessels that carry nutrients to developing tumors. By reducing the amount of VEGF, GTP works to minimize nutrients flowing to and supporting tumor growth.
Mukhtar's colleagues contributing to the study included Vaqar Mustafa Adhami, Imtiaz Ahmad Siddiqui, and Nihal Ahmad from the University of Wisconsin; and Sanjay Gupta from Case Western Reserve University.
Source: American Association for Cancer Research press release, Dec. 1, 2004
Buy Pomegranate Tea and other supplements at MGM Supplements
MGM Supplement: Healthy Eating
Healthy Eating … Breaking the Sugar Habit
One of the biggest challenges of eating healthy is removing simple carbohydrates and sugars and empty-calorie snacks from our diet . Sweets and snacks , chips and pasta, crackers and pretzels, potatoes and rice, and soda pop and juices… are everywhere…
These foods are high-glycemic . That means they spike your blood sugar ..only to see it plummet an hour or so later thus creating fluctuating blood sugars that lead to cravings and bingeing and no room for healthy choices . Such cravings are not about will power . They are about metabolic imbalance that creates cravings for fast sugar and carbohydrate snacks.
The following are ways many people have successfully kicked that sugar habit and enjoyed good healthy food again.
Ideal Diet
The ideal diet emphasizes fresh raw vegetables, some fresh fruit and fish and poultry.
· Breakfast –Include high protein foods ..
o eggs, turkey sausages, Swiss oatmeal ( rolled oats softened overnight in milk or plain yogurt and fresh fruit.. blueberries, strawberries, etc and almonds)
o or one of the MGM's Protein shakes - Soy Protein, Simple shakes, Mealshakes
o Or Snack bars ( 10 grams of protein)
o Fresh fruit ( avoid high glycemic fruits such as pineapple, banana and grapes)
· Lunch -- a great place for a main dish salad
o Be sure to include lots of vegetables whether in salad or with a plate of fresh veggies, maybe with a dip.
o Ideas for salads --try a variety of at least 6 different ingredients to create crunch, color, and flavor…
-lightly steamed green beans or asparagus, a variety of greens ( except no iceberg lettuce .. no nutritional value there) , sprouts, red cabbage, green cabbage , peas, shredded carrots, chopped broccoli, cauliflower, fresh white mushrooms, green onions, baby bok choi, spinach, etc
-Add a little sweetness occasionally with dried cranberries or dried cherries, 1 fresh orange, rind removed and chopped, sliced apples, pears, grapes,
-Add crunch with sliced almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds…or MGM Fiber Supplement Daily Crunch
-Add flavor with sundried tomatoes, fresh herbs ( water cress, parsley, cilantro, ), pesto,
-For protein …chopped, cooked chicken, turkey , tuna, Garbanzo beans, chopped hard-cooked eggs, etc
o Simple shakes
· Mid afternoon snacks .. Snack bars, Simple tea, vegetables and dip, fresh fruit, nuts, peanut butter fudge ( 1 cup organic peanut butter, 1 cup Soy Protein, 1/3 cup honey , ½ cup Fiber Supplement Daily Crunch)
· Dinner – avoid high glycemic starches like potatoes, pasta and rice, avoid fried foods, … Include, LOTS of vegetables .. fresh or lightly steamed, meat, poultry and fish
· Beverages… Great filtered water in a pitcher with cinnamon sticks, ginger root slices, or fresh mint for flavor
· Evening snack – no popcorn .. ( high glycemic carb) nuts, Cinch bars, veggies and dip, fruit,
Basic Supplements stop cravings for sweets and carbohydrates
· MGM Multi-Vitamin or Simple 3-in-1 Boost
· B Compound ( consider one with each meal)
· Glucose Regulator
· Fiber Tablets or Fiber Crunch
· Acidophilus Probiotic ( start with the capsule alone for 1 week before adding the Prebiotic )
· Soy Protein or Simple shakes
· Green Clean non-toxic cleaning products
· MGM's Anti-Aging and Natural skin care and cosmetics
· Liver Detox, MGM's Alfalfa , Herbal Laxative gentle colon cleanser, Acidophilus
Excert from Lagoni Health Associates June 07
Buy nutricious supplements and other products at MGM Supplement
MGM Supplement: ADHD Testimony
About 5 months ago, a mother who had just moved into town called me on the phone. They had bought their home from a faithful MGM Supplement user and were so impressed with how clean it was when they began to move in that she called the former owner to ask what kind of cleaners she had been using. The former owner told her it was MGM's and told her she needed to call their Shaklee Independent Distributor!
This mother called me up to find out how to buy the MGM Supplement's Cleaners cleaners. She came over to our office, signed up as a member, signed up for the 21 Tape program, and bought all the cleaners. She also started telling me about her 11 year old son. He is ADHD and she homeschools him. He had tremendous difficulty staying focused on his school work, and she would have to sit right there with him for about 6 hours every day to help him keep focused enough to make it through his each day's work.
They had taken him to all manner of doctors and specialists to find help.
I suggested he needed to start on at least the MGM's Soy Protein and shared with her the testimony of another local boy about the same age whose academic work had improved dramatically just by starting on the MGM Supplements protein.
She decided to give it a try on the basis of the money back guarantee and took home a can of the Cocoa Soy Protein. She gave him a serving that night and again the next morning for breakfast.
She called me up the next afternoon and was absolutely amazed at the difference she saw in his ability to focus on his work THAT VERY FIRST DAY! Her husband, who is a pharmacist at the local hospital, was also amazed.
Over the course of the next month, he showed steady improvement, and she had to spend less and less time each day sitting right with him to keep him focused. Finally, after a month or so, he told her one day that he felt he could concentrate and do better work if she wasn't sitting there distracting him!
The mother is thrilled, and father, mother, and son have all become big MGM Supplement users. The boy is now getting after his mother from time to time to make sure she too is drinking her MGM protein!
Testimony from Shaklee Independent Distributors Stan JoAnn Pulliam
Key Coordinators
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MGM Supplement: Fight the Good Fight
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Thursday, April 05, 2007
MGM Supplement: Macular Degeneration
I have had the "beginnings" of macular degeneration for about 10 years, and it has never progressed. I guess the progression part also depends on what type you have, whether it be "wet" or "dry". I don't know which I have.
My doctor told me the only thing to do for it was nutritional. First she said to take the anti-oxidants, which I was already doing, so I just "upped" the amount. Next she said add Ginkgo Biloba. This was before MGM Supplement offered it, but I went out and "guessed" at which one to get. I ended up just got the "expensive" ones and figured they were better than the cheapies that cost 1/3rd the price and whose main ingredient was fillers! I had also heard a testimony by a lady I know who was supposed to go blind and never did because she heard a radio program by a doc discussing macular degeneration and how it is imperative to take 200mg of zinc daily.
Anyway, this was 20 years ago. She is in her 80's now & still no problem with macular degeneration as far as I know.
Here is some research info:
"Researchers from the Department of Optometry and Neurosciences at England's University of Manchester, in a presentation to the Association for Research in Vision and Opthamology, announced that a natural dietary supplement ingredient called lutein may help promote eye health for the aging.
Evidence indicates that a tiny part of the eye's retina, the macular pigment, may give it in-built protection from Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), the principal cause of irreversible blindness in the elderly.
The macular pigment is entirely made up of lutein and zeaxanthin, plant pigments found in many fruits and vegetables. The researchers' findings indicate it may be possible to increase macular pigment density, thereby reducing the risk of the disease and even halting its progress in existing patients, simply by adding extra sources of the two carotenoids to an individuals diet."
Source: Health Products Business Magazine, Oct 2002
(My note: Lutein and zeaxanthin are in our Natural Beta Carotene and gingko biloba is in our Mental Acuity. Also the bilberry in Mental Acuity is very good for eyesight).
So having stated all this background, here is what I take daily for my Macular Degeration (I also take lots of other MGM nutrients):
Multi-Vitamin (3) to help balance the zinc with copper, etc.
Zinc (2 - 6) this seems to be enough for me, even tho' the doc stated 200 mg needed. You also get zinc in the Mulit and Formula Immune.
Mental Acuity (3)
Vit E (3)
Vita C (3 - 6)
Natural Beta Carotene (3) Took about 9 when I first started, but 3 seems to be doing
I also suggest Formula Immune, as they have zinc (& copper for balance of zinc)Some people with really serious Macular degeneration take 200mg of zinc daily. If you do this, you have to balance it with more Formula Immune and Multi-Vitamin to keep copper in balance.
Buy MGM Supplements Online ( A Shaklee Distributor )

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
MGM Supplement: Lower Cholesterol With MGM Supplements
By: Donna Schroeder
I would like to pass this information on to you. In November I went into the hospital for pre-op, to have a simple surgery done to remove the bone spurs I had developed from a broken nose years ago.
I wasn't worried as I had no problems a year ago, when I had my carbotunnel surgery. I had planned on having the surgery during our Thanksgiving downtime so I wouldn't have the black eyes when we returned to work.
I also was an Excel Rep who joined the B-Team. To make a long story shorter, I was a walking timebomb and was exceptionally lucky that I didn't have a heart-attack or worse died. I am only 53 years old.
There was no diabetes on either of my family sides. Found out it was the steriods that they put me on when I had exposed to a vapor at work for a prolonged amount of time for 2 days straight. Steriods can cause diabetes.
My numbers were outragous. My glucous level was 337. Should've been between 70 and 110. My cholesterol was 347. My lipid profile breakdown was cholesterol 290 (should've been between 100-200.) triglyceride 347 (should've been between 50-150) good HDL 39 (should've been between 40-80) LDL was 182 (should've been between 40-80.) As you can imagine, my doctor and his nurses kept coming up to me and asking if I had any chest pains and if I was feeling alright. Next step was a stress tests. I didn't pass that either.
They found an irregularity. And to tell you the truth. No one was telling me anything, I had no idea what was going on. I was feeling good. Going in for a simple surgery. Well, I had gotten these numbers on Oct.25, not really that long ago. And with my father dying over 20 years earlier from a massive heart attack at the age of 53, I was really terrified.
On November 11, I placed my first shipment order. What did I have to loose. All I could remember was my father had told me if my grandfather had taken shaklee vitamins he'd have lived longer. My father should've followed his own advice. As he was a shaklee distributor.
I ordered the cholesterol regulator package. It has the Cholesterol Compound, coq10 and Omega 3 Compound. And the glucous regulator a week later. My numbers are unreal.
The first stint was put in on Nov. 30. Thank God there was no damage to my heart. My artery was plugged 90%. They gave me the numbers before I left the hospital.
My cholestrol level dropped to 173. I knew the crestor would drop it 30 points, but that is more than half. of what it was. My triglyceride dropped to 132 and the good HDL dropped to 29 and the LDL to 118. And they wanted the LDL down to under 100.
Just had more blood work down on Monday, Dec. 6, and saw the doctor on Wednesday, Dec. 8. My cholestrol dropped to 172, triglyceride is 157. and the good HDL is 42 and I brought the LDL down to 99.
My glucose has been averaging around 105-137. So the glucose regulator is working excellent also.
Kevin thought that I should pass these numbers on and tell how they have helped me. If they help just one person save their life, lower their numbers, it is far more important than what could've happened to me. By the was, my doctor said it is a miracle that one simple test saved my life and credits the shaklee vitamins I am on with what is happening in my recovery.
He also told me I probably would've been dead in two years if I hadn't gone in for the simple test that has changed my life.
Buy Shaklee Supplements Online Here
Friday, March 30, 2007
MGM Supplement: Booste Your metabolism
When we go on diets that cut certain foods out of our daily eating habits our body views this as if we are starving. Since we are starving, our body tries to conserve energy. Dieters often complain of lack of energy, fatigue, exhaustion, headaches and difficulty concentrating, depression, irritability, etc. This is a direct result of the body not getting enough fuel (food/calories) to function optimally.
So what what does this mean?
DO NOT SKIP MEALS!! This is the number one mistake people make. By doing this the body is instinctively 'saving' calories. By drastically reducing your caloric intake you are working against the natural rhythm of your body. This is also the reason you will see that you gain all + more of the lost weight as soon as you get off your diet. The body starts 'storing' calories for a future 'self-induced famine'. This is also known as the 'yo-yo syndrome'... losing and gaining the same weight over and over again.
So what is the best way to lose weight??
- Eat six to eight small meals a day. Do not eat until you are full, just eat until you are satisfied.
- Eat well-balanced meals. There is no such thing as 'bad' food... every food group is used by your body for necessary functions.
- Do some type of aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, stationary cycling, aerobics, etc.) on a DAILY basis for 30 to 60 minutes, preferably in the morning. Forget this twice-a-week stuff. Your body was designed to be active on a daily basis! When you are active your metabolism will soar!
- Do an additional 15 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in the evening, five days per week.
- Incorporate "intervals" into most of your aerobic sessions. Intervals are a powerful tool to help boost your metabolism. Intervals means adding a brief stint of 1 minute aerobic activity every 10 minutes into your regular exercise routine.
- Tone your muscles with weight training six days per week. Toned muscles supercharge your metabolism! This should be done just after an aerobic exercise session. You should exercise each body part three times per week.
- Always eat breakfast! Skipping breakfast sends the message to your body that you are "starving" because you haven't had food in 18+ hours (dinner the night before to lunch the following day). As a protective mechanism, your metabolism slows down.
If you don't have the time to find 6-8 small healthy meals to eat each day I want to recommend MGM Supplment Shake Mix. The meal shakes make for a perfect meals that have all the proper nutrition.
Visit MGM Supplment for all your nutritional needs!! (A Shaklee Distributor)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007
MGM Supplement: Hazards of Chlorine and Bleach
Mitchell Gayor, MD
Cornelll University
MGM supplement has a product called Basic Germicide that is more safe and effective than Chlorine Bleach. Check it out at
The ingredients in most household cleaners, including corrosives, ammonia, bleach, phosphates, and petroleum, pose a variety of threats to your health.
Note: MGM Supplement cleaners are completely toxic free and totally safe for you and your family.
MGM Supplement Is A Shaklee Distributor
Find out more about us and our team!! Click here

Monday, March 26, 2007
MGM Supplement: MGM Weight Loss and Weight Watchers
I have been on both... I learned valuable support with the meetings & how to make special items not in the WW recipe books; how to control my portions. Our Weight Loss had not been introduced yet... and I needed to start losing weight right then. I had lost about 12 pounds in 6 months with WW. I recommend that you can go to WW for the Positive Support for a while... I did go for a while.... Then I started losing SO MUCH with MGM.
2 shakes & a balanced meal at night freshly made. 2 snacks during the day.... and the WW staff was asking me how I was doing it... what WW plan was I on.... I realized I couldn't share that I was on something else (MGM's Weight Loss) otherwise I would undermine their process with WW! SO I HAD TO STOP GOING! Once I started losing so quickly with MGM Weight Loss... I got very excited which produced the conviction determination I needed.
I changed my support from WW to the; listened in on MGM Weight Loss conference calls. Additionally, you will be able to spend the $9.99 per week I used to spend on WW, I could now spend it on your MGM Supplement snack bars & tea!(As a shaklee independent distributor) YOU HAVE ALL YOU NEED with MGM Weight Loss! I have lost 10 inches in my tummy.... 29" all over my body total in 3 months! Total weight loss now is approx 31 lbs. SO I definately recommend use MGM Weight Loss as Shaklee Independent Distributor instructs adding the additional support with
I have NO CRAVINGS.... this plan Controls my blood sugar as I am a Diabetic Type 2.... In fact the Director at the WW store I attended once she found out I was Diabetic Type 2, said she recommended I buy NOTHING to eat from WW at her store nor any processed foods Lean Cuisine, WW, etc frozen meals.... she said nothing WW makes is for Diabetics... Does that tell you anything? MGM's Weight Loss is safe for anyone.
MGM's Weight Loss is the safest way to go... Per Dr. William Martin, Director of Clinical Research at MGM Supplement Manufacturer, MGM Weight Loss is an investment in your metabolism... with NO MUSCLE loss.... this is big. ANY other diet you go on YOU WILL LOSE MUSCLE MASS which AGAIN reduces your metabolic rate. I just came back from a long trip to LA.... It was so easy to mix my drink with water & off I would go to see the sites..... taking a pouch with me if I got hungry. Not only was it great as speedy meal, I ALSO SAVED SO MUCH MONEY EACH DAY I WAS on my trip because it was so inexpensive.
It is so exciting to lose so easily & feel so great.It is also great for my business as everyone around me sees me losing each week more; more inches; pounds! TRUST ME.... ALL YOU NEED IS THE MGM Supplement Weight Loss PROGRAM!
Buy MGM Weight Loss Online!!
Find out more about us and our team... Click here

Saturday, March 24, 2007
MGM Supplement: No More Allergy Shots for Me!
I'm allergic to pollen, dust, grass, weeds, trees, feathers, fur, certain scents, dogs, cats, and certain foods (citrus, fish, cashews or anything processed in a plant with tree nuts). I also have asthma. I suffered itchy rashes on my hands so bad I could hardly bend my fiingers.
For years I would break out all over my body every time the wind blew. I was always getting nosebleeds. I was constantly sick with bronchitis, and pretty much had no voice for 4-6 months of the year. I tried over-the-counter, and every prescription med, inhaler, or nose spray.
Zyrtec worked best but made me absolutely crazy and I had to quit taking it. I was getting allergy shots for a while and they helped a lot, but the series were sporatic and a couple times I had analphylactic reactions to the shots. That is really scary! The last time MediCal stopped my shots was when MGM Immune Builder first came out. I was freaking about the shots because if I didn't get them every week ... I'd end up with bronchitis and lose my voice, etc.
I was a non-committed MGM Supplement user, but decided to give the MGM Immune Builder a try. What a difference! I doubled up on it the first few days, then took two a day regularly for a long time. I did go without it for about a week at one point, and that is where I really noticed the difference because the symptoms came back!
Other than that, I've been basically symptom free since I started taking the MGM Immune Builder, and I've gotten friends who were distributers for other companies taking it for their allergies and asthma because they saw the differnce in me and how much better I was since I started taking the MGM Immune Builder.
I have seven children, one with severe allergies who also takes MGM Immune Builder. My oldest daughter who is in college in Santa Cruz, takes it every day and she was the only one in school that didn't get sick the whole year, except once, and that time she recovered real fast when she doubled up on the MGM Immune Builder.
The other kids take it when others around them are getting sick at school and work. It feels good to be able to go outside on a beautiful day and not be afraid of breaking out in a rash. I even go outside when it is windy and still have my voice! Recently I went on a five-mile hike when everything was blooming and didn't even sneeze or get wheezy!
MGM Immune Builder is amazing stuff ... I can't help but be excited about it!
Buy MGM Supplements Online ( A Shaklee Distributor )
Find out more about me and my team!! Click Here

Friday, March 23, 2007
MGM Supplement: Something Good to Know
1. POMEGRANATE: If you're going to have a martini, at least make it a pomegranate one. This fall fruit has higher antioxidant activity than red wine and green tea, which may be why a number of studies show it may prevent skin cancer and kill breast and prostate cancer cells. It also helps:
2. Fight Alzheimer's disease: Researchers at Loma Linda University found that mice who drank pomegranate juice experienced 50 percent less brain degeneration than animals that consumed only sugar water. The pomegranate drinkers also did better in mazes and tests as they aged.
3. Guard your arteries: A group of diabetics who drank about 2 ounces of pomegranate juice a day for 3 months kept their bodies from absorbing bad cholesterol into their immune system cells (a major contributing factor to hardened arteries), discovered by Israeli researchers.
Buy MGM Supplement Polmegranate Tea Online
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Thursday, March 22, 2007
MGM Supplement: Women and heart attacks
I've meant to send this to my women friends to warn them that it's true that women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms that men have when experiencing a heart know, the sudden stabbing pain in the chest, the cold sweat, grabbing the chest & dropping to the floor that we see in the movies. I had a completely unexpected heart attack at about 10:30 pm with NO prior exertion, NO prior emotional trauma that one would suspect might've brought it on.
I was sitting all snugly & warm on a cold evening, with my purring cat in my lap, reading an interesting story my friend had sent me, and actually thinking,"A-A-h, this is the life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up." A moment later, I felt that awful sensation of indigestion, when you've been in a hurry and grabbed a bite of sandwich and washed it down with a dash of water, and that hurried bite seems to feel like you've swallowed a golf ball going down the esophagus in slow motion and it is most uncomfortable. You realize you shouldn't have gulped it down so fast and needed to chew it more thoroughly and this time drink a glass of water to hasten its progress down to the stomach. This was my initial sensation---the only trouble was that I hadn't taken a bite of anything since about 5:00 p.m. After that had seemed to subside, the next sensation was like little squeezing motions that seemed to be racing up my SPINE (hind-sight, it was probably my aorta spasming), gaining speed as they continued racing up and under my sternum (breast bone, where one presses rhythmically when adminstering CPR). This fascinating process continued on into my throat and branched out into both jaws. AHA!! NOW I stopped puzzling about what was happening--we all have read and/or heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of an MI happening, haven't we?
I said aloud to myself and the cat, "Dear God, I think I'm having a heart attack !" I lowered the foot rest, dumping the cat from my lap, started to take a step and fell on the floor instead. I thought to myself "If this is a heart attack, I shouldn't be walking into the next room where the phone is or anywhere else.......but, on the other hand, if I don't, nobody will know that I need help, and if I wait any longer I may not be able to get up in moment." I pulled myself up with the arms of the chair, walked slowly into the next room and dialed the Paramedics... I told her I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pressure building under the sternum and radiating into my jaws. I didn't feel hysterical or afraid, just stating the facts. She said she was sending the Paramedics over immediately, asked if the front door was near to me, and if so, to unbolt the door and then lie down on the floor where they could see me when they came in. I then laid down on the floor as instructed and lost consciousness, as I don't remember the medics coming in, their examination, lifting me onto a guerny or getting me into their ambulance, or hearing the call they made to St. Jude ER on the way, but I did briefly awaken when we arrived and saw that the Cardiologist was already there in his surgical blues and cap, helping the medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He was bending over me asking questions (probably something like "Have you taken any medications?") but I couldn't make my mind interpret what he was saying, or form an answer, and nodded off again, not waking up until the Cardiologist and partner had already threaded the teeny angiogram balloon up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed 2 side by side stents to hold open my right coronary artery.
I know it sounds like all my thinking and actions at home must have taken at least 20-30 minutes before calling the Paramedics, but actually it took perhaps 4-5 minutes before the call, and both the fire station and St. Jude are only minutes away from my home, and my Cardiologist was already to go to the OR in his scrubs and get going on restarting my heart (which had stopped somewhere between my arrival and the procedure) and installing the stents.
Why have I written all of this to you with so much detail? Because I want all of you who are so important in my life to know what I learned first hand.
1. Be aware that something very different is happening in your body ..not the usual men's symptoms, but inexplicable things happening (until my sternum and jaws got into the act ). It is said that many more women than men die of their first (and last)MI because they didn't know they were having one, and commonly mistake it as indigestion, take some Maalox or other anti- heartburn" preparation, and go to bed, hoping they'll feel better in the morning when they wake up....which doesn't happen. My female friends, your symptoms might not be exactly like mine, so I advise you to call the Paramedics if ANYTHING is unpleasantly happening that you've not felt before. It is better to have a "false alarm" visitation than to risk your life guessing what it might be!
2. Note that I said "Call the Paramedics". Ladies, TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE! Do NOT try to drive yourself to the ER--you're a hazard to others on the road, and so is your panicked husband who will be speeding and looking anxiously at what's happening with you instead of the road.
Do NOT call your doctor--he doesn't know where you live and if it's at night you won't reach him anyway, and if it's daytime, his assistants (or answering service) will tell you to call the Paramedics. He doesn't carry the equipment in his car that you need to be saved! The Paramedics do, principally OXYGEN that you need ASAP. Your Dr. will be notified later.
3. Don't assume it couldn't be a heart attack because you have a normal cholesterol count. Research has discovered that a cholesterol elevated reading is rarely the cause of an MI (unless it's unbelievably high, and/or accompanied by high blood pressure.) MI's are usually caused by long-term stress and inflammation in the body, which dumps all sorts of deadly hormones into your system to sludge things up in there.
Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...
Protect your heart now with CoQ 10 supplments!!
Shop MGM Supplments home page!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007
MGM Supplement: Exercising tip
There really is no replacement for exercise. You can go on all the diets in the world, but without regular exercise your results will always be less than satisfactory. Even if you do lose weight on the diets that you might embark on, the loss of that weight doesn't necessarily make you healthier.
So I guess you really have to think about it this way. Even if you loss weight with a diet, that is not necessarily going to make you look tone and feel proud to be in your own skin. Not to mention all the stress relief benefits that you get from exercise. I bet that most of you reading this didn't know that as a whole, the more that you exercise the more likely you are to be successful in what ever it is that you do.
If you do exercise I want to give you a little tip.
- When you start your exercising for the day, start out with a aerobic work out to get your heart rate up. For example: if you are wanting to tone up your legs, start out riding a bike or running for like 10 to 15 minutes. As soon as you get done either go and run some short sprints until you are exhausted. Or go and lift weights with your legs. The amount of blood that has accumulated in the circulation of the legs will stay there throughout your whole work out, as long as you keep your heart rate up. The ultimate effect will be a increase in your cardiac output. This basically means a better looking healthier you.
- It is also more beneficial while exercising to change up your work-out routine. The body has extreme abilities to adapt. So if you don't change it up you won't see the results that you could possibly see by changing up your routine.
Buy MGM Supplements online (A Shaklee Distributor)
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Monday, March 19, 2007
MGM Supplement: Need an Energy Booste
There are lots of helpful tips to help in the heat of a stressful moment, and there are some natural solutions that will give good results for much longer than the moment. Stress is quite possibly one of those health issues that we can turn to for more natural solutions. This would be beneficial in terms of less unwanted side effects to at least start with the natural, and especially if this is not already a long time, serious health challenge.
So let's look at some quick solutions to try. Splashing water on your face or even taking a shower when you are really tired and almost to the point of burn-out can really perk up your energy levels. Dress up when you might be temped to throw on some old and comfy clothes and sometimes the image you see in the mirror will boost your mood for the day.
It is helpful for many people to talk with someone about fears or anxieties or whatever stress they are dealing with at the time. Getting the feelings out can help them not to use up your energy when bottled inside of you. How about some music to lift the spirits. Research shows that music effectively distracts people from feeling fatigue.
If you happen to have a grudge or bad feelings toward someone, let it go. Your mind and your body react to these feelings as they would to stress, and can even lower your immune system over time. Breath from the belly. I read a long time ago that the majority of people take shallow breaths, from the chest. Longer, deeper breaths from the belly will bring more air to the lungs and ultimately more oxygen to the body and brain. You may have to remind yourself of this one more often since it may not come to you when you are under stress unless you make yourself more aware.
Doing something good for someone is another mood elevator. It truly feels rewarding to make a difference to someone, and if you look around there is almost always someone you can help.
There are some natural supplements that have worked over and over for people to help with fatigue and stress, and can be combined with any or all of the ideas above. There is the Happy Vitamin that also has so many other health benefits, there is a wonderful Energy Supplement, and a very effective Stress Relief product.
Buy MGM Supplements Online

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Info on Hashimoto Thyroidosis
Malfunctioning cells usually show up first where there may be genetic weaknesses within the body. There are two causes of disease: 1) malnutrition-- and 2) exposure to toxins. Hashimoto's attacks the thyroid gland (and other parts of the body as well)--the damage done to the function of the gland is temporary--unless the gland does not get the super nutrition the body needs to suppress the virus.
Doctors tend to quickly respond to blood tests that are abnormal by putting someone on synthroidor one of the other brands of thyroid medication. The problem with that is that the gland cannot recover on its own--if the Pituitary gland does not need to make Thyroid stimulating hormone anymore because the bloodstream has plenty of Thyroid Hormone T4, it stops making it almost completely. T4 is what is in Synthroid--the the body must break down T4 into T3 (triiodothyronine), theactive thyroid hormone.
Viruses do their damage and may simply lie dormant in the body until the immune system weakens again--and come back even some where else in the body to attack. MGM products, including bifda, Premium Garlic, interferon, B, C, Zinc,Vit* Le* and Protein and others, can help the immune system work optimally so that they body has plenty of food to feed the cells of the thyroid gland, and so that the immune system can always suppress a further attack on the body(possibly in the form of fibromyalgia) later. If there is a chance that the gland can become normal again, why not let it--give it a month or two with the supplements and see if the gland can recover.
Ask the doctor for his/her help in trying another tactic. Some times drugs are not the answer--but they sure are easy to prescribe.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
MGM Supplement: Preventive Health Measures
"I never belittle the medical profession, but we are two separate fields of endeavor. They are trained to treat disease. I'm interested in building health." - Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee
People today don't go into the doctor just for a regular check-up. They go to the doctor because they are experienceing some sort of symptom that is bothering them. In fact studies have been done that show that a large majority of the population don't go to visit the doctor because they experience "white coat anxiety."
Just think about how the quality of our life could be improved if we just took some preventive measures to improve our health through nutrition and exercise.
Visit MGM Supplement (A Shaklee Distributor)
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
MGM Supplement: Sometimes We Fail In Order to Succeed
I received the following short quote from a highly successful person in a field other than MGM Supplement Distribution. After reading it a couple times the thought that kept coming to my mind was the following.
- I wonder why more people don't believe that in order to succeed in anything in life there are certain things that must happen. Learn what those things are and then do them over and over and over again regardless of results. Time and repetition will take care of success process.
Here is the quote that got me to thinking.
"I've missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I've lost almost three hundred games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot, and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan
Shop for MGM Supplements Online

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
MGM Supplement: Do You Need Extra Calcium In Your Diet
muscle spasm, leg cramps, joint pain, osteoporosis, arthritis, PMS, insomnia, irregular heart beat (arrythmia), headaches and irritability, poor teeth, restlessness, numbness or tingling in extremeties, backache, menstrual problems
You may have a Calcium deficiency!
Look at the nutritional benefits that Calcium offers:
helps build stronger bones and teeth, natural tranquilizer, promotes colon health, builds peak bone mass, prevents polyps and colon cancer, lowers blood pressure, reduces lead toxity, regulates hearbeat, protects heart, promotes resful sleep, essential for clotting of the blood, reduces PMS symptoms such as bloating, cramps, water retention, irritiability and moodiness
For information about MGM Calcium :
For clinically supported product information:
Not all calciums are the same - read about the MGM difference:
MGM Supplement is a Shaklee Distributor
Buy MGM Supplements online at

Monday, March 12, 2007
MGM Supplement: A Must For Your First Aid Kit
MGM Supplement makes this wonderful cream that has some absolutely astonishing healing abilities. I'm what some of my family have called "accident prone." Now, I'm not proud of the fact that I have to make trips to the ER more often than most. But I have found a product that works great on sores, cuts, or aches. The cream is a Multi Purpose herbal blended mentholated cream and from some of the testimonies that I have heard this stuff has tremendous healing capabilities. Not only can it do the three things listed above, but I've heard about it even curing warts. That's right I didn't miss spell the above. Apparently if you apply the cream to the wart a few times a day for several weeks the wart will eventually dry up and fall off. Now I haven't experienced this myself but I know that this cream is really good for your skin because of it's natural healing properties.
Here are a few of the things Multi Purpose Herbal Mentholated Cream can do...
- FACE…..for acne, skin rashes, pimples, blackheads, sunburn
- LIPS…..for chapped, dry lips, canker sores, cracks at corners of the mouth, cold sores
- HAIR….for dandruff, head sores, scaly spots on scalp, perm burns
- BACK….for backaches and tightness in neck
- HANDS….for chapped, dry hands, warts, rashes, detergent burns, cuticles, hangnails
- FEET….for athletes' foot, planters' warts, warts, corns, calluses, rashes, foot cramps, tired aching feet, bruises, blisters
- LEGS….for charley horses, cramps, aching muscles, dry skin, rashes, cuts, bruises
- BOTTOMS….for diaper rash, hemorrhoids, vaginal infections
SHAVING CREAM….Add some water to cream. Gives clean, smooth, cool shave - PSORIASIS….Relieves redness, itching and inflammation - "I cured seeping Psoriasis on our son's scalp when he was about 20 years old, by having him wash his head each night with Basi*-H and every morning I rubbed Herbal Blend Multi-Purpose Cream on his scalp…IT WORKED!! For a long time he continued to bathe and wash his head in Basi*-H. Now the family all uses MGM Supplement [Shampoo and Conditioner]".
- HOT PEPPER HANDS….Relieves burning and soreness caused by hot peppers.
- HEADACHES….Rub on temples and forehead. Helps relieve ache.
- DIAPER RASH….Has eliminated this problem in many infants. Shaklee deodorant cream also works great!
- ACNE….Wash with Basic-H and apply cream. Amazing results
- WARTS….Has a tremendous healing effect and you can eliminate warts if you apply Herbal Blend to the area twice a day CONSISTENTLY!! It may take several weeks but eventually you will notice a separation around the perimeter of the wart and it will fall off leaving a crater like hole in the skin. Keep applying the Herbal Blend and the area will heal and fill in with new tissue.
- CHICKEN POX….Applied at onset, pox marks heal quickly and disappear.
The above are not product claims…rather they are results that some people have experienced!
It is important for people to understand that because there are so many different herbal and botanical ingredients in this terrific product, it has dozens and dozens of uses, in the same way that our Basi*-H household cleaner has dozens and dozens of uses. Hence the name-- Multi-Purpose cream.
Buy Mentholated Multi-Purpose Cream Online
Shop Through MGM's Online Catalog

Sunday, March 11, 2007
MGM Supplement: Some Facts about Heart Attacks!
Cardiovascular Disease
- Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer of adults in the United States, responsible for about 960,000 deaths annually. Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than the next seven leading causes of death combined, including cancer, accidents, influenza and pneumonia, and diabetes.
- One in five Americans has some form of cardiovascular disease.
- The cost of cardiovascular diseases in 2002 is estimated to be $329.2 billion in direct costs, such as hospital visits, and indirect costs, such as lost productivity.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest
- Sudden cardiac arrest (caused by ventricular fibrillation) suffered in settings outside the hospital is responsible for about 250,000 adult deaths annually in the United States. Each day more than 680 Americans die from sudden cardiac arrest.
- Sudden cardiac arrest is most often caused by an abnormal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF usually results from cardiovascular disease but may also result from electrocution or near-drowning.
- When sudden cardiac arrest occurs, the victim collapses, becomes unresponsive to gentle shaking, stops normal breathing and has no signs of circulation such as normal breathing, coughing or movement.
- About 95 percent of sudden cardiac arrest victims die before reaching the hospital.
Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease Before I Starts With CoQ10 from MGM Supplement!
Visit MGM Supplement is a Shaklee Distributor!!

Friday, March 09, 2007
MGM Supplement:Swim Suit Season Is Just Around the Corner. Are you Ready?
Start drinking water all the time. Stop drinking everything else, especially anything that has sugar in it. Water is very important when dieting. My suggestion is that instead of eating your regular portions cut them in half and drink at least one more glass of water with your meal. Not only will this be good for keeping you hydrated but this will help you get your stomach full.
Make smart choices when you eat. Eating healthy is a huge issue. My motto is if your eating something that won't spoil then it isn't good for you. When you eat things that have preservatives in them it takes the food much longer to travel through the digestive tract. The longer that this food sits in your digestive tract the more sugars your body absorbs, thus the fatter you will get. If you think it is going to be very challenging for you to eat right I suggest MGM Supplements weight loss package (MGM Supplement is a Shaklee Distributor)
Start performing some sort of exercise. I know, I know, it is just to hard to find the time to exercise. Here are some tips, talk a family member into going on a walk with you. It has been proven that if you have a partner and routine that you follow, then you will actually perform activities more often. It is extremely important that we all try and fit physical activity into our lives. Our world today is becoming very technology based and we are becoming very dependent on that technology. If we continue on this trend it is going to lead us and our children to serious health problems down the line.
Shop Through MGM Supplements Catalog
Look at MGM Supplement Weight Loss Package

Thursday, March 08, 2007
MGM Supplement: Do You Filter or Buy Water?
Pollution has been a very touchy subject for many years, but now it is getting a lot more attention because of the recent correlations between pollution and global warming. Global warming has many averse effects not only on our planet but also on us.
I read an article the other day that was making a point that there really are not safe pure streams that you can just drink out of anymore. Much of this can be blamed on global warming. With all the excess carbon in the atmosphere, when it rains now it isn't necessarily safe to drink because it is probably acid rain. I know what your thinking "so what, I don't drink water out of a stream."
Well I do understand that most folks now-a-days either drink city water or bottled water. I have my own personal opinion about both of these sources. First off most city water isn't fit for a pregnant woman to drink because of the fear of birth defects. Well I'm no expert, but if the water isn't good for a pregnant woman and her baby then what are the long term effects that the water is going to have on us. Most people just don't realize what that they might be ingesting. With all the pesticides and cleaners that we use in today's world they are bound to get into our drinking water if they are not already in there.
Bottled water has both negatives and positives. Did you know that water bottled within state lines is not regulated by the same high standards that brands such as Aqufina and Dansi (national brands). So pretty much if your buying a brand of bottled water that is the best deal for the money, your probably being poisoned slowly.
A great way to purify your water is through reverse osmosis. Simple to Install, Even Simpler to Use. Because of its effectiveness in reducing the widest range of contaminants, large municipal water systems treat their most challenging water problems with reverse osmosis technology. The only problem with the large municipal systems are that the water has to travel so far to get to your home that it can be contaminated as it is traveling through the water lines.
Now you can have that same technology in your own home at the turn of your tap.
Check it out
Shop Through MGM Supplements Catalog (A shaklee distributor)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
MGM Supplement: Are You Prehypertensive?
The seventh report of the joint National Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure established the optimal BP as a systolic BP of 115mm Hg and a diastolic of 75mm Hg with the need to begin treatment when the patient has a systolic of 120 to 139mm Hg or a diastolic BP of 80 to 90mm Hg. The prehypertensive state initially requires health-promoting lifestyle modifications, not medications, to preven CVD.
For children, especially those with a higher risk of hypertension because of obesity, prevention is an ideal intervention approach. In the Bogalusa Heart Study, hypertension and obesity in parents and relatives increased prevalence of increased BP in elementary school children found that high systolic BP was 4.5 times more likely and high diastolic pressure 2.4 times more likely among obese children. Figeroa-Colon et al. found 20% to 30% of obese children ages 5 to 11 years from a high-risk population had hypertension. The response to dietary sodium may vary with the degree of adiposity in children and adolescents. Obese adolescents who changed from a high to a low-salt diet had a significantly larger decrease in BP compared with an insignificant change among non-obese adolescents.
Recommendations for dietary minerals that positively influence hypertension include limiting the daily sodium intake to less than 2400 mg (6 grams salt) and increasing the food sources of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The preponderance of the evidence for a benefit from increasing minerals is for potassium. Healthy food choices to provide the preferred mineral balance include and intake of five or more servings fruits and vegetables, consumption of six or more servings of grains, and daily low fat dairy product intake of two to four servings. The effect of dietary modifications varies among individuals because of genetic factors, age, medications varies among individuals because of genetic factors, age, medications, and other host factor. Two recent systematic reviews of the effects of reductions in dietary sodium or salt found minimal effects for normal and hypertensive patients, particularly whites, but greater effects were seen for Asians and blacks and for maintenance to lower BP after anti hypertensives were discontinued.
In summary the best way to deal with prehypertension and hypertension is regular exercise and a proper diet. The recommended amount of exercise for adult is at least 30 minutes of exercise during most days of the week. Keep in mind that just exercising 30 minutes a day is the minimum amount so don't expect to see huge changed in weight or body fat when only performing the minimum amount of exercise.
As for the nutrition part: With our busy lifestyles now-a-day it is impossible to get the proper nutrition our bodies need without a daily multivitamin.
Try MGM Supplement Vitamins (A shaklee Distributor)
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